Jul 9, 2024


Online Learning

Not Sure if a Cohort Learning Immersive is Right for You?

Not Sure if a Cohort Learning Immersive is Right for You?

6 min read

Dakota Brown

Sr. Content Marketing Specialist

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Not Sure if a Cohort Learning Immersive is Right for You?

Have you heard about our immersive learning programs, but you’re not sure if they’re the right fit for you?

We understand that you might still have some questions about the cohorts, so we’ve rounded up some of the answers to the things that folks are the most curious about when they reach out to us about the program!

Maybe you’ll see the answer you’ve been looking for:

What is a “cohort”?

Good question! A “cohort” is a group of people – think of them like your classmates!

What are the benefits of Cohort Learning vs. taking Self-Paced courses? What support do I get with the immersive cohort?

Self-paced learning is great for many, but it’s not always the best fit for everyone.

If you find yourself in need of a little more structure and accountability for your learning progress, our immersive cohorts could be exactly what you need.

We put significant effort into a few key areas to help set you up for success to be job-ready in your chosen tool over the 10-week timeline:

  1. We outline consistent and manageable “chunks” of lesson and project work each week in a detailed syllabus that you’re given access to during orientation, so there are no surprises.

  2. We set clear expectations of how many hours you’ll need to set aside each week to stay on top of the program syllabus.

  3. The group learning approach means timely help if you get stuck – your private community access guarantees you direct support from your cohort peers and the Maven team. (This is much more collaborative than our in-course discussion boards!)

  4. We have weekly live learning sessions with Maven pros where we’ll check in on your progress and you’ll have some face time with a cohort leader each week if you need support or direction.

Why should I choose Maven’s program over others?

There are TONS of data bootcamps and courses out there for you to choose from…so why should you choose ours?

To put it simply:

Our program is designed BY data people, FOR data people.

Every person who touches this program is someone who works with and has a passion for data. When you learn with Maven, you’re learning from people who have been in your shoes, and our quality is second to none. With a collective 95+ years of experience in data across a wide range of industries (including marketing, retail, healthcare, manufacturing, supply chain and more!), you couldn’t ask for a better group to learn from.

The best part? This means you get direct access to real data professionals for support, including the instructors of the courses that you’re taking in the program.

What can I expect from the live sessions? What if I can’t attend live?

We open every live session with a clear agenda and a check-in to see if there are any pending or unresolved questions from the previous week’s self-paced learning. While we have a planned syllabus of content to review in each session that aligns with and supplements the self-paced learning, we also prioritize making space to address any questions you may have.

In addition to Q&A, live sessions can include everything from supplemental course content delivered by a Maven Team member, to planned small group discussions, to live follow-along demonstrations in the analytical tool. The live sessions are where we come together to reinforce the self-paced learning and support each other on the learning journey.

And if you can’t attend live? No stress! You’ll have access to the recorded session for whenever you have the time to catch up.

What if I already have a Maven subscription?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We’ll extend your annual subscription to ensure you get the full value of your free year in addition to your existing subscription.

Why should I join if I already have experience with the tool or have taken some of the courses?

If you’ve already taken some of our courses or have some experience with the tools offered, you may be wondering what you can take away from this experience.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Our courses are in-depth and can give you new knowledge within a data tool that may already be somewhat familiar.

  • The practical, hands-on practice from guided projects helps solidify knowledge and skills, and feedback from Maven pros and peers can take your abilities to the next level.

  • We provide an asynchronous QA channel where you can ask all types of questions – with direct support from peers and pros as you’re working through the coursework.

As a final note, we want to add that the richness of learning in a cohort is learning and sharing from different experiences. Expertise is found all around you in the group-learning environment; this is something that can’t quite be replicated when doing independent study.

Do you offer any job placement after completing the program?

We don’t offer a job guarantee, but we DO help you become more marketable to employers

We won’t just help you upskill in your chosen tool through this program; we will also give you ALL the tools you need when you’re applying for a role through our resume, portfolio, and LinkedIn coaching!

What are my payment options?

We understand that cost can be prohibitive for some folks, so we’ve created some options to help make our programs a little more affordable!

Discounts: If you sign up during our Super Early Bird or Early Bird enrollment periods, you can save up to 25% on your enrollment fee.

Bundle: In a Buy 3 Get 1 special, our Complete Cohort Immersive Package gives you access to all 4 programs plus a LIFETIME subscription to Maven Analytics. AND you can register for cohorts at your own pace!

Employer Reimbursement: Did you know that some employers will cover the cost of courses and programs for their employees’ career development? That means your boss could cover the cost for you to upskill! Not sure how to start the conversation? We’ve got you covered; check out our template here.

Why should I join now?

We get it: it’s a big commitment! If you’re on the fence about whether or not now is the right time for you to join a program like this, know you’re not alone.

Do you…

  • Want to learn a new tool or upskill in one you already kinda know?

  • Have some time each week to dedicate to courses & projects?

  • Struggle to get motivated to complete self-paced courses on your own?

  • Have an interest in pursuing a promotion?

If you fit any of these criteria, you should take the plunge!

It’s hard to know when the “right” time is to do anything – but there’s no better time than now to prioritize your own growth. And we’re here to help you along the way.

Final Thoughts

Joining a learning program like ours can be incredibly beneficial for your career, but we know that it can also require some thought before diving in. Hopefully this has helped you feel a bit more confident with your decision to join us!

Didn’t see the answer to your question? 

Check out the full FAQ at the bottom of this page or feel free to reach out via our website chat any time – we’re happy to help answer your questions!



Free course access, live sessions with data experts, and awesome prizes!

Join us Oct 21 - 31, 2024 for unlimited access to our platform, 25 live learning sessions, and the NEW Open Campus Awards up for grabs, this is an event you don't want to miss!

Join us Oct 21 - 31, 2024 for unlimited access to our platform, 25 live learning sessions, and the NEW Open Campus Awards up for grabs, this is an event you don't want to miss!

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Dakota Brown

Sr. Content Marketing Specialist


Free course access, live sessions with data experts, and awesome prizes!

Join us Oct 21 - 31, 2024 for unlimited access to our platform, 25 live learning sessions, and the NEW Open Campus Awards up for grabs, this is an event you don't want to miss!

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