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Maven Fuzzy Factory

About this project

Project brief

Maven Fuzzy Factory is an ecommerce company selling teddy bears.

Objective is to see if the database can be improved and find trends to improve the company.

Steps taken:

  1. Create an EER diagram to show current database relationships and layout
  2. Update EER diagram for normalization and functionality
  3. Implement updates in SQL Database
  4. Perform data analysis using SQL programing to find trends and insights
  5. Display findings as visuals to tell story of Maven Fuzzy Factories.

Insights and Recommendations:

  1. Add a user table to connect user_id from website_sessions and orders tables
  2. Website session and orders increase around November and December for Holidays. Increase paid bids on gsearch and bsearch during these months to drive more traffic and sales
  3. In 2014 all products saw growth in orders over 90%

Areas for Further Analysis

  • Paid streams – specifically Socialbook
  • User Information
  • Refunds – What is the refund reason? Why was there a spike in 2014?

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