AdventureWorks Dashboard

Tools used in this project
AdventureWorks Dashboard

Power BI Dashboard

About this project

The Situation

  • You’ve just ben hired as a Business Intelligence Analyst by AdventureWorks, a global manufacturing company that produces cycling equipment and accessories

The Brief

  • The management team needs a way to track KPIs (sales, revenue, profit, returns), compare regional performance, analyze product-level trends, and identify high-value customers.
  • All you’ve been given is a folder of raw csv files, which contain information about transactions, returns, products, customers, and sales territories.

The Objective

  • Use Power BI Desktop to:
    • Connect and transform the raw data
      • Connecting to data, shaping & transforming tables, using profiling tools, editing, merging & appending queries.
    • Build a relational data model
      • Building relational models, creating table relationships, understanding cardinality and filter flow.
    • Create calculated columns and measures with DAX
      • Understanding DAX syntax, adding calculated columns and measures, writing common formulas and functions.
    • Design an interactive dashboard to visualize the data
      • Inserting charts and visuals, customizing formats, editing interactions, applying filters and bookmarks.
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