Power BI Virtual Case Experience (PwC | Forage)

Tools used in this project
Power BI Virtual Case Experience (PwC | Forage)

About this project


  • Carried out comprehensive analyses of Call Center Trends, Customer Retention, and Diversity & Inclusion through three distinct case studies.
  • Examined over 12,000 rows of data in total.
  • Designed three different dashboards using Power BI to visualize the results.

1. Call Center Trends


Key Findings:

  • Analyzed the overall satisfaction rate and the ratings for each agent
  • Percentage of calls answered and whether the issue was resolved or not
  • Speed of answer and average talk duration

2. Customer Retention


Key Findings:

  • Approximately 26.5 % of customers were at risk
  • Among the customers at risk 25% were senior citizens
  • Majority of these customers did not have dependents or partner. They also do not have online backup or online security.
  • Average tenure rate of customers at risk was 16 months and they mostly had month to month contract type.

3. Diversity and Inclusion


Key Findings:

  • Analyzed the gender gap at work based on Job level, Nationality, New hire, promotions and count of leavers.
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