Bellabeat Fitness Dashboard | Google Data Analytics

Tools used in this project
Bellabeat Fitness Dashboard | Google Data Analytics

About this project

Bellabeat, a high-tech company that manufactures health-focused smart products.


Business Objectives:

  • What are some trends in smart device usage?
  • How could these trends apply to Bellabeat customers?
  • How could these trends help influence Bellabeat marketing strategy?


  • A clear summary of the business task
  • A description of all data sources used
  • Documentation of any cleaning or manipulation of data
  • A summary of analysis
  • Supporting visualizations and key findings

Limitations of the Dataset:

  • Data collected from the year 2016. Users' daily activity, fitness and sleeping habits, diet and food consumption may have changed since then, hence data may not be timely or relevant.
  • Sample size of 33 female FitBit users may not be the representative of the entire female population.

Analysis and Results

  • Data was imported into SQL database
  • Data Cleaning and analysis were done in SQL and the results are visualized using Power BI.


Key Findings:

  • Sunday has the lowest average step count while Saturday has the highest.
  • Identified that users attained an average of 7,637 steps or 5.4 km per user, falling short of the recommended 10,000 steps or 8km per day by the CDC.
  • Additionally, users showed a stronger preference for recording activities throughout the week as opposed to the weekend.
  • Sedentary activities take up most to the time.
  • Correlation between average steps taken and average calories burned.


  • Companies may provide products that encourage women to understand their present behaviors and make healthy decisions by giving them information on their habits, fitness, and health.
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