SQL Data Exploration

Tools used in this project
SQL Data Exploration

About this project

Project Overview

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the world, leading to millions of deaths and extensive vaccination campaigns worldwide. This project focuses on analyzing data related to COVID-19 deaths and vaccination rates to understand the trends, patterns, and effects of vaccination efforts.

The main objectives of this project are as follows

Analyze the COVID-19 death data to identify the regions or countries most affected by the virus. Examine the vaccination data to determine the vaccination rates across different regions or countries. Investigate the relationship between vaccination rates and the number of COVID-19 deaths.

Data Source

The dataset used in this analysis and the SQL queries are deposited publicly in my GitHub Repository (https://github.com/Nivedha-MV/SQL-Data-Exploration)

Skills used

Joins, CTE's, Temp Tables, Windows Functions, Aggregate Functions, Creating Views, Converting Data Types


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