Sample Company Data Analysis

Tools used in this project
Sample Company Data Analysis

About this project

I have created this project to demonstrate my skills in SQL.

This project has been implemented using Oracle10g Database.

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The various steps involved in this project were:-

  1. Creating two tables:- Employee and Department

  2. Inserting 10 tuples into each table


    i) Replacing null values with a default value

    ii) Calculating employee age based on DOB

    iii) Removing invalid records (Where start_date > end_date)

  1. DATA ANALYSIS:- Answering some questions

    i) What is the total number of employees in each department?

    ii) Who is the highest paid employee?

    iii) What is the total salary expenditure of each department?

    iv) How many employees were hired in the year 2022?

    v) How many employees have a salary higher than the average salary?

    vi) Who are the employees whose first name start with "J" and have a salary higher than 50,000?

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