Employee Attrition Dashboard

Tools used in this project
Employee Attrition Dashboard

Employee Attrition Dashboard

About this project

Goals :

  1. To help HR managers identify the underlying causes of employee turnover and take corrective action to reduce attrition rates.

  2. To provide an interactive platform to explore and visualize key metrics related to employee attrition, such as employee demographics and reasons for leaving.

  3. To enable HR managers to track attrition rates over time and identify trends or patterns.

  4. To identify areas for improvement in the employee experience, such as training and development, compensation, and benefits.

  5. To increase employee retention and satisfaction by addressing the root causes of attrition.

Business Needs :

  1. To reduce the cost of recruiting and training new employees by identifying and addressing the root causes of attrition.

  2. To improve employee morale and job satisfaction by addressing the issues that lead to turnover.

  3. To improve workforce planning by identifying trends and patterns in employee attrition rates and taking proactive measures to retain employees.

  4. To increase productivity and reduce disruption to business operations by maintaining a stable and experienced workforce.

  5. To ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements related to employee turnover and retention.

To discover and present meaningful insights from The Employee Attrition Tableau Dashboard, I have followed these steps:

  1. Identified the key performance indicators (KPIs): Determined which metrics are most important to the business needs and focus on analyzing those. Some examples include attrition rate, reasons for leaving, and employee demographics.
  2. Filter and drill down: Used filters and drill-down functionality to explore the data in more detail. For example, filter by department, job level, or tenure to identify trends or patterns.
  3. Create visualizations: Used different types of visualizations such as bar charts, heat maps, and tree maps to highlight patterns and trends in the data.
  4. Analyzed the data: Looked for correlations, anomalies, and trends in the data. Identified areas where are high attrition rates or where certain demographics are more likely to leave.
  5. Present insights: Summarized the findings in a clear and concise manner using charts, graphs, and tables. Used storytelling techniques to explain the insights and highlight their significance.
  6. Take action: Used the insights to make data-driven decisions and take action to reduce attrition rates. This include implementing retention strategies, addressing employee concerns, or improving the overall employee experience.

By following these steps, I have effectively discovered and presented meaningful insights from the Employee Attrition Tableau Dashboard, enabling Business to make data-driven decisions and improve employee retention.

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