Telecom Customer Churn Analysis

Tools used in this project
Telecom Customer Churn Analysis

Power BI Dashboard

About this project

1. Goals

Goal in creating a telecom customer churn analysis using Power BI was to gain insights into customer behavior and factors that may impact customer retention. This analysis helped to identify areas for improvement and implement targeted strategies to reduce churn, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and business success.

2. Business Needs

The business needs for creating a telecom customer churn analysis using Power BI include identifying factors causing customer churn, improving customer retention rates, reducing customer acquisition costs, and ultimately improving business profitability. By analyzing customer behavior and identifying trends, the business can implement targeted strategies to reduce churn and retain customers, leading to increased revenue and success.

3. To discover and present meaningful insights in Telecom customer churn analysis using Power BI, I have followed a structured approach such as :

  • Defining the business problem and goals.

  • Identifying the relevant data sources and cleaning the data.

  • Developing relevant KPIs and metrics to track.

  • Creating visualizations and dashboards to present the data.

  • Conducting exploratory data analysis to identify trends and patterns.

  • Using statistical methods to validate insights.

*Identifying key drivers of churn through regression analysis or other modeling techniques.

  • Presenting insights in a clear and concise manner, focusing on actionable recommendations.

By following a structured approach, you can discover and present meaningful insights that drive positive business outcomes.

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Discussion and feedback(1 comment)
Solomon Chukwuzimuwa
Solomon Chukwuzimuwa
4 months ago
Please am still struggling with cleaning this data can you help out
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