AtliQ Employee Presence Insights

Tools used in this project
AtliQ Employee Presence Insights

Power BI Dashboard

About this project

Goals : - Power BI dashboard on AtliQ Employee Presence Insights, my goal was to gain better visibility and understanding of AtliQ company's workforce attendance and productivity. The dashboard had provided us with data-driven insights to make informed decisions and optimize company's workforce management strategies, ultimately improving employee engagement and business performance.

Business Needs :- Power BI dashboard on AtliQ Employee Presence Insights have been created to address various business needs such as improving employee attendance and productivity, identifying patterns and trends in workforce behavior, reducing absenteeism, improving workforce management strategies, and ultimately enhancing overall business performance. The dashboard provide real-time insights and analytics, enabling the company to make data-driven decisions and optimize its workforce management practices.

To discover and present meaningful insights in my Power BI dashboard on AtliQ Employee Presence Insights, I have followed these steps:

  • Identified the key metrics that matter to business: identified the specific data points that are most relevant to the business needs, such as employee attendance, absenteeism, productivity, and engagement.

  • Designed a visually appealing dashboard: I have designed a dashboard that is easy to read and visually appealing, with charts, graphs, and other visual elements that make it easy to understand the data.

  • Analyzed the data to uncover insights: I have have used Power BI's analytical tools to analyze the data and uncover patterns, trends, and other insights that can inform AtliQ business decisions.

  • Presented the insights in a clear and concise manner: I have presented the insights in a way that is clear and concise, with visual elements that help to convey the meaning of the data. This would help stakeholders to understand the insights and take appropriate actions based on the findings.

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