Malaysia Top 5 Searched Language – Market Research Analysis

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Malaysia Top 5 Searched Language – Market Research Analysis

Top Searched Language in Malaysia

About this project

Tools: Excel & Tableau

Situation: I am a Mandarin language teacher with a passion for opening a language center for Malaysians.

Task: Determine the top 5 languages searched on Google by Malaysians in 2022 and consider opening language centers in different states based on this research.

Action: I conducted a market research using Google Trend data analysis to determine the popularity of different languages among Malaysians.

Result: The Mandarin language was the most searched language in Malaysia, while Arabic was not as popular. Based on this research, I plan to open a Mandarin language center in Malaysia and potentially consider other locations based on language popularity.

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This is my market research on what are the top 5 languages searched on Google by Malaysians in 2022.

On top of that, I am also considering opening different language centers in different states based on the research.

From Google Trend data analysis, I learned the following:

  1. The Mandarin language is the most searched language in Malaysia.
  2. Surprisingly, the Arabic language is not that popular.

Two questions determine my choice of data visualization.

  1. Which language should I focus on for his language center?
  2. Based on the research, identify which state has the highest search on the language.

For the first question, I will use a bar chart to show which language has the highest search point in the duration.

And for the second question, I’m going to use geomap and make it interactive for the audience to see which state has the highest search based on the filter.

By looking at the bar chart, you can see that Chinese Languages is the top searched language from January to October 2022.


Based on the bar chart, I can open a Chinese Language center and start opening in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Johor, and Penang, based on the geomap, showing these 3 states have the highest search on the language.

Another option for me is to open 2nd most popular language, Japanese, and combine it with Mandarin.

I did open a Mandarin Language online school called Sekolah Mandarin.

Thank you for reading this post!

I hope you enjoyed it, and I would appreciate your feedback on my ongoing career journey.

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