Maven Hotel Group - Explanatory Dashboard

Tools used in this project
Maven Hotel Group - Explanatory Dashboard

About this project

Data: Maven Hotel Group booking data from July 2015 to August 2017.

Purpose for the dashboard:

This is an explanatory dashboard. It is designed to visualize insights derived from a collection of pivot tables and effectively communicate the data’s story to influence decision-making. The end user is the hotel leadership team.


Metrics used include Revenue, Revenue Loss, Cancellation Rate, and Average Room Price.


Pivot charts and partial pivot charts were used to visualize the data.

Included: Combo column and line chart with dual axis, bar charts, 100% stacked bar chart.

Since the dashboard is static, instead of sharing the workbook, the final product is converted to an image for sharing.

This project was completed as an assignment for the course Advanced Excel Dashboard Design.

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