Maven Roasters Business Analysis Dashboard

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Maven Roasters Business Analysis Dashboard

About this project

This dashboard is designed to create an easy exploration of products, transactions, and revenue by store location. Data and project guide provided by Maven Analytics.

Dashboard Summary:

Data Preparation

Reviewed Data:

  • 149116 unique records
  • 9 unique product category types
  • 29 unique products
  • The data was collected from January to June 2023

Calculated Columns

  • Added a "Revenue" column by multiplying transaction quantity with product price
  • Extracted month, day, and hour from the date and timestamp for easier comprehension

Data Exploration

Inserted pivot tables and slicers to reveal key metrics

Pivot tables:

  • Revenue by Month
  • Revenue by Day of Week
  • Revenue by Hour
  • Transaction Count by Product Category
  • Transaction Count by Revenue and Product


  • Store location

Data Visualization


Line Chart:

  • Monthly transaction trends

Column Charts:

  • Visualizing transactions by day and hour

Bar Chart:

  • Categorizing transactions by product for quick insights

Adjusted Pivot Chart:

  • Focused on the top 15 products by transaction quantity

Heat Map:

  • Clear illustration of customer traffic patterns

Dashboard Refinement


  • Ensured a clean, visually appealing layout
  • Added titles and labels, removed gridlines, and unnecessary axes

Interactive Elements:

Enabled slicer functionality for each chart

Observations and Recommendations

Overall Revenue Growth:

The overall revenue exhibited an upward trajectory, with each store experiencing the highest revenues in June, indicating a positive trend in financial performance.

Store-Specific Busy Times:

Observation: The traffic at each store is mostly consistent each day of the week. The significant variance happens at the hourly level, where 7:00am - 11:00 am hours are much busier than any other time of day for all three locations. All three locations had a significant drop in foot traffic at 8:00 pm, and for Lower Manhattan, the drop begins at 7:00 pm.


Optimize Staffing: Ensure adequate staffing during peak hours, with a focus on aligning workforce capacity with the busiest times of the day, rather than just the busiest days. This approach will help manage fluctuations in customer traffic more efficiently.

Proactive Inventory Management: Anticipate demand for popular items by preparing them in advance. This proactive approach will minimize wait times and ensure a smoother customer experience during busy periods.

Menu Simplification: Streamline the menu during peak hours to reduce customer wait times. Ensure that the menu board is clear, concise, and easy to understand, enabling customers to make quicker decisions.

Online Ordering Integration: Consider implementing an online ordering system to alleviate wait times and congestion. This digital solution can provide customers with the convenience of ordering ahead and picking up their items, further enhancing their overall experience.

Closing Hours. Due to the drop in transactions, it is recommended that the shop close at 8:00 pm in Astoria and Hell's Kitchen, and 7:00 pm in Lower Manhattan to optimize resource allocation and operational efficiency.

Leverage Popular Products:

Observation: The top three products at all three locations are Gourmet brewed coffee, Barista Espresso, and brewed chai tea. The most popular baked goods at all locations are the scones.


Bundled Promotions: Capitalize on the popularity of these beverages by introducing bundled promotions that offer customers a choice of one of these beverages along with a scone. This strategy has the potential to boost the average transaction amount.

Visual Marketing: Enhance marketing campaigns by incorporating high-quality images of these popular beverage-scone combinations. Visual appeal can significantly influence customer choices and increase sales.

Quality Assurance: Given the limited shelf life of baked goods, implement frequent quality checks to ensure that scones and other baked items meet your standards. Maintaining product freshness is crucial for customer satisfaction.

Inventory Turnover Promotions: To prevent wastage and maintain product quality, consider running promotions aimed at increasing turnover for baked goods nearing their expiration dates. This approach can help minimize food waste while maximizing revenue.

Introduce new product offerings: Consider adding a non-caffeinated option, such as smoothies, to the menu. This may increase sales in the afternoons when customers may be seeking an alternative to caffeinated products. This also may tap into a different customer segment and cater to a wider range of customer preferences throughout the day.

By implementing these recommendations, Maven Roasters will be better prepared to handle peak busy hours with efficiency and improve customer satisfaction. Leveraging its popular products will make Maven Roasters more appealing to its customers and meet their preferences more effectively.

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