Regional Monthly Revenue Dashboard for Maven Toys

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Regional Monthly Revenue Dashboard for Maven Toys

About this project

Maven Toys - Excel Dashboard

This dashboard was created as a project for the Maven Course: Advanced Excel Dashboard Design.

About the data:

The data includes monthly revenue for the period January 2020 to September 2021. The data includes 4825 records.

Purpose for the dashboard:

The end users are the COO of Maven Toys and its regional sales managers.

The purpose of the dashboard is to track and compare monthly revenue trends by region. In addition, the users want to compare performance across stores and identify which products are the biggest contributors to gains and losses.

Key Metrics & Interactivity:

A drop-down menu was added to allow the user to filter between regions. Once a region is selected all features of the dashboard update to correspond to the selected region.

The KPIs used to evaluate performance are Total Revenue, Previous Year’s Revenue, Previous Month’s Revenue, Year-over-Year percent change, and Month-over-Month percent change.

Prepping the data:

On the data prep page, conditional formatting was used to sum revenues based on the region selected and the current month. Revenues are calculated at the store and product level and ranked for better visual display in the charts. The raw data has been reformatted as a table to accommodate growing source data without having to update formulas.


KPI cards are used for total revenue by region along with the percent change from the previous month and year. These were placed in the upper left area of the board for high visibility.

A line chart was added to show revenue trends in 2021 and a second line was added for comparison to the revenue trends of 2020.

A bar chart is used to compare individual store revenue while a parallel bar chart shows Month-over-Month percentage change. The selected regions bars are highlighted while the non-selected regions remain grey.

Data tables with color scales are used to show the top and lowest-performing products.

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