Starbucks Customer Satisfaction Analysis using Power BI

Starbucks Customer Satisfaction Analysis using Power BI

About this project

Created a comprehensive Customer Satisfaction Analysis dashboard using Power BI to analyze key performance factors such as Net Promoter Score, CSAT score, and Customer Retention rate for Starbucks. Developed intuitive visualizations of complex data to enable stakeholders to make informed decisions and achieve established SMART goals.

Key Performance Indicators:

1)Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric used to assess customer loyalty and growth potential. It is based on a single question that asks customers whether they are likely to suggest a company/product/service to others. With the Dataset, we got a score of 36.89. A Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 36.89 indicates that a sizable percentage of clients are promoters, but there are also detractors.

2)Customer Satisfaction, abbreviated CSAT, is a metric used by companies to assess the level of satisfaction their customers have with their goods, services, or overall experience. With the dataset we got the CSAT Score of 60.66. A CSAT score of 60.66 indicates that a large percentage of customers are satisfied with the product, service, or overall experience, but there is still room for improvement.

undefined3)Customer retention rate is a key performance indicator that measures how well a business is able to retain its existing customers. As per our dataset, A customer retention rate of 77.05% indicates that the business was able to retain a significant portion of its customers over the given period of time, but there may still be room for improvement.

4)Customer churn rate is a metric that counts the percentage of customers that a company loses over a specific time frame, usually a year. As per our dataset, A customer churn rate of 22.95% indicates that the business lost a significant portion of its customers over the given period of time. The business needs to identify and address the factors contributing to churn in order to improve customer retention.

5)The membership rate is the percentage of a company's customer base that is registered in a membership or loyalty program. As per the Database, the membership rate of 60% suggests that the company's membership or loyalty program is effective in retaining customers

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