Hospitalization Analytics using Power BI

Hospitalization Analytics using Power BI

About this project

undefinedThe dashboard displays a range of information, including the number of newborns, the average number of days of hospital stay, total inpatient surgeries, most performed surgery by age group, hospitalizations by age group, and top diagnosis for hospitalization.

The most common diagnosis for hospitalization after Giving birth is Covid-19 which is quite relevant since the data is from year 2021-2022.Heart failure stands at third position and is a matter of concern for the public. This could also come from the fact that during covid , People were restrained from doing outdoor activities and exercises which could be the reason for heart relate diseases.

We can also get insights into the most performed surgery for each age group such as hip replacement surgery is frequent in people of age group 65+ which can be used to provide more resource allocation and more specialized doctors for each critical and most performed surgeries.

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