Tools used in this project
Maven Slopes Challenge

Tableau Public Dashboard

About this project


This is an analysis to find the ski resort based on location, price and country. User can filter out the resorts with continent, further narrowing down the resort based on country and price. Highest and lowest point of the resorts with statistics of different types of chairs can also be seen. Dashboard also displays the snow cannons, slopes and lift capacity for the resorts.


Main idea was to give out general information first, then let user filter data as per their need attaching more details to each filter.


1. Updating the correct data for resorts :

There were many resorts that had "Unknown" as their season. I could've ignored this unknown and visualized the data for remaining resort, but this would be incorrect information. Hence I chose to update the data. For this, I used Google and ChatGPT to verify data and updated the unknowns to correct season data.

2. Slope graph

To point out the lowest and the highest point of resorts, I wanted to use something other than a bar or a simple line chart. Upon searching, I found that the slope chart would be perfect. Usually slope graphs are inclined at an angle, but I have used a horizontal slope line graph just to keep the visuals to minimum distraction.

Final Dashboard

The final dashboard is a single page view which is kept clean, minimal, structured and progressive as user goes along the dashboard

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