Tools used in this project
HR Attrition Dashboard

Tableau Dashboard

About this project

About Dashboard

This is HR Attrition Dashboard which helps in understanding "Why employees are leaving the organization?". This dashboard is an Interactive dashboard.

There are 3 sections:

  1. Overview - gives an overview of the Attrition and Retention
  2. Demographics - shows us the comparison between Attrition & Retention across Genders, Age Groups and Education. It also gives us detailed information about Recent Attrition in the organization in tabular format.
  3. Survey - It gives us the count of employees who gave which score (1,2,3 & 4) in the Survey, and for each score how many employess left the organization or were retained.

There were a lot of challenges starting from creating parameters, calculative fields, actions. Also the design was a challenge. I changed the design a lot to fit all the sheets perfectly. The design was created in Figma.

  1. Top N in the Job Role - There were 9 Job Roles. To fit the sheet, the maximum index that can be shown without making the dashboard ugly (without the scroll bar) is 5. So I created a parameter "Top N" first where I added a custom list with "Top 5" and "All" as two elements. Then I created "Index()" calculative field and passed Index() into the calculative field. The final step was to create another calculative field to get the result. Here I created a "Top 5 / All" field and passed IF [Top N]='5' THEN [Index]<=5 ELSE [Index]>0 END inside it. Then I added "Top 5/All" to filter and selected True from the list and selected Compute undefinedundefinedundefined
  2. Trend - % Difference (below the title "Attrition Trend") - I had to show the percent difference of the Attrited employees in reference to the previous Year/Quarter/Month/Week. The first step was to create a Dynamic Date calc field, one more field with [(ZN(SUM([Employee Count]])) - LOOKUP(ZN(SUM([Employee Count]]))...] and for the text used LOWER([Toggle - Period Selector]). undefined
  3. Attrition Trend Chart - I used sheet swapping here to show Year/Quarter/Month/Week Chart on the selection of parameter. I was thinking of using 4 buttons but could not make it 100% work. Hence I used a slider here since it works the same. I created a Toggle - Period Parameter for this. Passed custom list as in the screenshot. Next step was to create the viz. I used Year([Attrition Date]) for column and Agg([Attrition Count]) for rows. Created 3 more viz with DATETRUNC('quarter', [Attrition Date]) for Quarter, DATETRUNC('month', [Attrition Date]) for Month and DATETRUNC('week', [Attrition Date]) for Week. Added all the sheets to dashboard with width as 2 (removed outer and inner padding). undefined There were many other small calculations. There were more like trial-n-error since a lot of the viz were not reflecting in terms of UI level. for eg. Survey viz wasn't perfectly colorized as it is now. This took me a whopping 4 hours to do so.

As said before, the design was created in figma. The size was 1510 X 950. I figured 1510px is perfect for no-scroll view. 950px was used for height as Survey and Recent Attrition viz needed containers with more height.

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