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Maven Northwind Challenge

Tableau Dashboard

About this project


This dashboard is a Top-Level KPI dashboard for Northwind Traders, a global import and export company that specializes in supplying high-quality gourmet food products to restaurants, cafes, and specialty food retailers around the world.


I've created design using figma. Color inspiration was taken from Dribble.


The dataset for Northwind Traders had 7 tables. I used Joins to join the tables on IDs. But this resulted in duplicated rows. So for most of the part I had to use COUNTD() which is count distinct. If not, this would result in the incorrect results.


Since Northwind Traders specializes in global import and export of gourmet food, the KPIs that immediately came to my mind were:

  1. Revenue
  2. Freight Cost
  3. Top Products
  4. Top Customers

The rest of the analysis can be done around these 4 main categories.

Since this dashboard is to be presented to VPs, first thing they need to understand is how much revenue is generated, how many orders are they receiving compared to previous years/months, freight cost which needs to be paid by the seller. Further, top products, top country/continent and which category has the most sales can be included.

I had to calculate Current Year's Revenue, Freight Cost, Number of Orders etc, then do the same for previous year and year prior to previous year (in this case, 2015, 2014 and 2013 respectively). This was implemented using Parameters. I later calculated Latest Month's (April 2015 since it was May month wasn't complete) Revenue, Freight Cost, Number of Orders etc and did the same for March 2015 which is Previous Month. The KPIs should percent increase from Previous Year (PY) and Previous Month (PM) which used the above calculative fields and parameters.

The Top Customers table is an example of Advanced Table. I followed instructions from here. This way, I can incorporate bar chart and percentage with shapes in the table. I have also added Rank after the names of the products. This was calculated using Quick Table Calculation.

The map shows continents instead of country. I created a group based on countries and named them North America, South America and Europe. The bar chart before the map shows the Top Countries and the Map shows the Continents which also explains where are most of the customers from, i.e. Europe (Count: 52).

This Challenge was very helpful for me as this was the first time I had multiple tables or atleast more than 2 tables. Analysis, cleaning and creating calculative fields for PY and PM took a while. Rest was done in 2 days.

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