Interactive Dashboard on Maven Toys

About this project

The Maven Toy store data comprises four data set, namely – Inventory, Product, sales and Stores. The Inventory dataset consist of Product ID, Store ID and Stock on Hand. The product dataset includes Product ID, Product Name, Cost Price & Retail Price of each products. The Sale ID, Date of Sale, Store ID, Product ID and unit of products sold forms the sales dataset. The Store Dataset provides Store ID, Name, City & Location of the Store. The Maven Store data holds information on 35 Products in 50 stores spread across 29 Cities and 4 locations. An overall profit of 38.48% has been made through the sales between 1 January 2017 and 30 September 2018.Let’s see some major insights extracted from this dataset: • There has been a steady increase in the sales from Quarter 3 of 2017. • A slight decline in sales happen after Quarter 2 of 2018. • Stores located in Airport location generates the highest profit percentage (41.47%) followed by Commercial (39.40%), Residential (38.50%) and Downtown (37.66%). • Stores in Cuidad de Mexico has the highest sales followed by Guadalajara and Monterrey. Stores in these 3 cities records the highest sales. • Among the category, Toys (35.26%) records the highest revenue followed by Arts & Crafts (18.73%), Electronics (15.55%), Games (15.42%) and Sports & Outdoors (15.04%). • Among all the stores, the top 5 selling products are Lego Bricks, Colorbuds, Action Figure and Rubik’s cube. • Mini Basketball Hoop, Chutes & Ladders, Playfoam, Classic Dominoes and Uno Card Game are the least sold products. • The lowest profit has been recorded in Quarter 1 and 3 of 2017. • Among the 30K units of Stock on Hand the products that are more than 1000 units (each) are the Deck Of cards, Dinosaur Figures, PlayDoh Can, Magic Sand, Rubik’s cube, PlayDoh Toolkit, Barrel O’Slime, Nerf Gun, Colorbuds and Lego Bricks.

Location-wise analysis:

Airport: This location has 3 stores in total and records the least revenue compared to other lo cations. It generates a revenue of $1.29 million and a profit of $378,049. The sales Rise initially which declines and then increases steadily until Quarter 2 of 2018 and then declines.

Commercial: It comprises 12 stores in total and generates a net value of $3.28 million and a profit of $926, 864. It also shows a pattern that is similar to the Airport location.

Residential: 6 stores are located in Residential area. It shows a sale of $8.22 million and generates a profit of $460,388. It shows a similar sales pattern as that of Airport and Commercial locations till first quarter of 2018, after the sales decreases gradually.

Downtown: The Downtown location hold the highest number of stores (29) and generates the highest sales. The sales equals $8.22 million and a profit of $2.25 million. It also shows a pattern that is similar to the Airport and commercial location.


• Three stores in Airport location generates a total sale of $ 1.29 million and a profit of $378.05 million. The profit percentage is 41.47%, which is the highest compared to Downtown, Commercial and Residential area. Increasing the number of outlets will helps in increasing the overall profit percentage.

• The stock on hand in stores in airport location is less than 261 units per product. The stock number should be increased in this location with special focus on top selling products.

• The quantity of bestselling products in most of the stores is less. Bringing up the stock count could reduce the chances on product being unavailable.

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