Sales Analysis of Sample Superstore

Tools used in this project
Sales Analysis of Sample Superstore

About this project

Business Task: As a business manager try to find out the weak areas where you can work to make more profit.

The Thought Process

I decided to ask questions like what are the information that my stakeholders might want to get from this analysis that can help the business drive more profit since the analysis was more focused on sales. This made me to look into the areas where the business is making profit and losses. I cleaned the data using google sheet before uploading it in Tableau where the exploratory analysis was then carried out.

Some of the insights:

  1. The total profit made = $286,397
  2. Total loss = -$147,400
  3. Technology is the most profitable category with a profit of $145K, followed by office supplies with profit of $122K, and Furniture with profit of $18K.
  4. Higher discount lead to more losses
  5. California and new York makes more profit, while Texas, and ohio makes most profit losses.
  6. Supplies, bookcases and tables are yielding loses.


Technology and office supplies despite being the most profitable categories still yielded losses in Texas and Ohio etc. More of these categories should be shipped to locations where they are in high demand and yielded more profit. Also a maximum discount of 0.1% - 0.2% should be maintained as higher discounts leads to higher losses.

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