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HR Data Analysis

HR Dataset Analysis

About this project

About the HR Dataset Analysis

This analysis aims to provide a comprehensive overview of key human resources metrics within an organization. The project leverages data visualization techniques to uncover insights and trends related to employee demographics, compensation, departmental performance, and overall workforce distribution.

Some of the Questions answered include:

  1. How diverse is the workforce in terms of gender, ethnicity, and age?

  2. Is there a correlation between pay levels, departments, and job titles?

  3. How about the geographic distribution of the workforce?

  4. What is the employee retention rate trend yearly?

  5. What is the employee retention rate in terms of gender, ethnicity, and age?

Project Objectives:

1. Understand Workforce Demographics:

Analyze the gender distribution and average age of employees to ensure a balanced and diverse workplace.

2. Evaluate Compensation and Bonuses:

Assess the average annual salary and bonus percentages across various departments to ensure fair and performance-driven compensation structures.

3. Track Organizational Growth:

Monitor the growth in the number of departments and total annual salaries over the years, reflecting the company’s expansion and financial health.

4. Identify Key Contributors: Highlight top earners and their contributions to understanding the distribution of high salaries and their impact on organizational success.

Insights from the HR Dataset Analysis Dashboard

1. Gender Balance and Age: The organization maintains a balanced gender representation and a consistent average age across genders, indicating no significant age disparity between male and female employees.

2. Departmental Bonuses:Marketing is rewarded the highest in terms of bonuses, suggesting a potentially high-performing or strategic role within the company.Engineering receives the least bonus percentage, which might indicate either a lower performance or different bonus structures.

3. Growth Over Time: There has been a steady growth in both the number of departments and the total annual salary payout, especially notable from 2015 onwards. This indicates company expansion and possibly higher profitability or workforce growth.

4. Salary Distribution: High salaries are concentrated among a few top individuals, with Wyatt Li standing out significantly. This could indicate a senior executive position or a highly specialized role.

5. Demographics: The employee demographics show diversity in terms of ethnicity and business units. The age range of key employees is quite broad, covering early career to more experienced employees.


1. Review Bonus Structures: The organization should evaluate why Marketing receives significantly higher bonuses and whether other departments could be incentivized similarly to boost performance.

2. Monitor Salary Trends: The organization should keep an eye on the growing salary trend and ensure it aligns with the company's financial health and strategic goals.

3. Diversity and Inclusion: The organization should continue promoting diversity in hiring and ensure equal opportunities for all ethnic groups and business units.

4. Outliers and Special Cases: The organization should Investigate the high salary of Wyatt Li to understand the role and impact on the organization. In other to ensure transparency and fairness in compensation.

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