CRM Sales Analysis

Tools used in this project
CRM Sales Analysis

CRM Sales Dashboard in Power BI

About this project

CRM Sales Opportunities Business Case

Dataset: The B2B sales pipeline data from MavenTech that sells computer hardware. The dataset has information on accounts, products, sales teams, and sales opportunities.

Data Model

undefinedThere are 4 tables in the data model. The connection followed is 1 to many.

Business Questions Answered

How is each sales team performing compared to the rest?

Are any sales agents lagging?

Do any products have better win rates?

Sales Overview Dashboard:

  1. The total sales pipeline value is 10 Million

  2. The average time taken to close the deal is 48 days.

  3. The average deal size is 1.5K

  4. The deal stages are won, lost, prospecting, and engaging.

  5. The deals won were 48%, lost deals were 28%, engaging deals were 18%, and prospecting deals were 5.7%.

  6. The second quarter witnessed the highest deal closing value at 3 million.

  7. Winning deals were highest in March and June.

  8. The month of June witnessed the highest closing value at 1.33 Million.

  9. The products offered by the company are- GTX Basic, MG Special, GTX Pro, MG Advanced, GTX Plus Basic, GTX Plus Pro, and GTK 500.

  10. The product GTX Basic was the highest-sold product.

Revenue and Sales Dashboard:

  1. Total customer accounts are 85.

  2. The central regional office had the highest deals, followed by the west and east.

  3. The revenue was the highest from the companies operating in the retail sector.

  4. The customer Kan-code had the highest deals.

Product Performance Dashboard:

  1. The product GTX Basic has the highest winning percentage at 48%.

  2. MG Advance has the highest lost percentage at 30%.

  3. The product GTX Plus Pro generated the highest revenue at 1.8 million.

  4. Customers with office locations in the United States have made the highest purchase of all the products.

Sales Team Performance Dashboard

  1. The total deals won are 4238.

  2. The total deals lost are 2473.

  3. The winning ratio is at 48.16%.

  4. The central regional office under the manager Melvin Marxen had the highest number of accounts at 1929.

  5. Melvin Marxen won the highest number of deals at 882.

  6. Melvin Marxen generated the highest revenue at 2.25 million.

  7. The sales agent Vicki Laflamme won and lost the maximum deals.


  1. Improve the deal closure time from 48 days by streamlining the sales process and providing additional training to reduce this time and close the deals faster.

  2. Leverage the success of GTX Basic, which has the highest winning percentage as well as the highest-sold product tag. Promote it further and expand its market reach to capitalize on its popularity.

  3. The second quarter saw the highest deal closing value. Analyze the strategies and market conditions that led to this success, and replicate these strategies across other quarters.

  4. Winning deals were highest in March and June. Investigate what factors contributed to the success in these months and apply those learnings year-round.

  5. The central regional office had the highest number of deals and accounts. Allocate more resources and replicate its successful strategies in other regions to boost overall sales.

  6. MG Advance has the highest percentage of lost deals. Reevaluate the product’s positioning, pricing, and features to improve its competitive edge.

  7. Melvin Marxen and Vicki Laflamme are top performers in terms of winning deals. Recognize and reward their efforts while having them share best practices with other sales team members.

  8. With a 48% winning ratio and significant lost deals, focus on understanding why deals are being lost. Implement targeted interventions to improve closing rates.

  9. Since the retail sector generates the highest revenue, increase focus on acquiring more clients in this sector or expanding services for existing retail customers.

  10. As Kan-code had the highest number of deals, deepen the relationship through upselling or cross-selling to generate even more value from this customer.

  11. Customers in the US have made the highest product purchases. Focus marketing efforts on these customers while identifying potential for expansion in other countries.

  12. As Vicki Laflamme both won and lost the maximum number of deals, identify reasons behind the high losses and implement strategies to help her close more deals.

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