New Years Resolution Dashboard 2024 #MakeoverMonday

New Years Resolution Dashboard 2024 #MakeoverMonday


About this project

1. Objective and Background

This is my first time participating in the #MakeoverMonday data visualization challenge. For this challenge, I created a visualization based on the Britons' New Year's Resolution 2024 data sourced from Data World. The objective of this project is to identify trends in New Year's resolutions among Britons and provide valuable insights into their behavior patterns.

2. Research Questions or Hypotheses

This project focuses on several key research questions:

  • What are the most common New Year's resolutions among various demographics (gender and age) in Britain in 2024?

  • Are there significant differences in resolutions based on specific age groups?

3. Data Source

The data used in this project is sourced from Data World, containing information on the New Year's resolutions of Britons for 2024.

4. Methodology

The process of data analysis and visualization involves several steps:

  • Importing the data into Tableau.
  • Cleaning and preparing the data for analysis.
  • Creating visualizations to identify and illustrate key trends in New Year's resolutions.
  • Analyzing findings based on different demographics.

5. Analysis and Findings

From the visualization I created, I found several key insights:

  1. Top Resolution: "Doing More Exercise or Improving Fitness" is the most popular resolution across all demographics, both by gender and age. This resolution is primarily aimed at weight loss.
  2. Age-Specific Resolutions:
    • 18-49 Age Range: "Saving More Money" is the leading resolution.
    • 50-65+ Age Range: The top resolutions are "Exercising More" and "Losing Weight."

6. Conclusion

The analysis reveals key trends in New Year's resolutions among Britons for 2024, highlighting the popularity of fitness-related goals across all demographics and the emphasis on financial savings among younger adults. These insights provide a valuable understanding of the priorities and aspirations of different age groups.

7. Acknowledgements

In the process of creating this dashboard, I would like to thank Andy Kriebel for his Tableau tutorials on his YouTube channel, which greatly helped me in learning Tableau. Thank you! :)

I hope these insights are useful. I am very open to feedback, criticism, and constructive suggestions so that I can create better data visualizations in the future.

#MakeoverMonday #MakeoverMonday2024 #DataWorld

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