Tools used in this project
Custom Invoices

About this project

The Project

Invoicing is the lifeblood of many businesses, and also the majority of grunt work for many accounting departments. This project was done for the same company as the account review template, with similar goals. The billing department sent invoices that went much more in detail than other companies. Many times, these invoices took hours and sometimes even days to complete. The goal was to automate the process as much as possible. From our point of view, we wanted to take the process from 8 hours of work, down to as simple as a copy and paste.

The Result

The project ended up overachieving the goal. Not only was the project an extremely time efficient way to create the invoices, the invoices were more accurate by taking out human error. This was done by building in automated alerts to verify the accuracy of the calculations. We worked for months to rework every custom invoice the company had. In the end, each invoice took only 5 minutes to make, whereas before, it was 4-8 hours. This project saved approximately 20-30 hours per week, and added accuracy.

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