Customer Account Review Dashboard

Tools used in this project
Customer Account Review Dashboard

About this project

The Project

This dashboard was done for a company that supplied printers and copiers for businesses across the nation. In order to provide top notch customer service, the sales reps would give their customers an “Account Review.” This was a process they had been doing for many years; however, it was a very slow, labor-intensive project.

This spreadsheet was made to achieve two goals.

  1. Create a visually pleasing way of showing the customer the most important metrics.t
  2. Automate the creation of the dashboard as much as possible.


This client hadn't implemented Power BI into their daily operations, as a result, this entire dashboard was built in Excel. The client had a accounting software with export capabilities. I created an export for them to use, and trained the employees how to run the report by simply copy and pasting the export into the data tab.

The Result

At the end of the project, the sales representatives got the beautiful dashboard that they were looking for, and the process was cut from a 5-6 hour process, to a simple copy and paste from their accounting software.

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