Customer Churn Analysis | PwC

Tools used in this project
Customer Churn Analysis | PwC

Power BI Dashboard

About this project


In this project, I'm tasked to present a visually clear dashboard that highlights Customer Retention metrics, customer Demographics & Insights to a Retention Manager of a telecom company so that the Management can make data-driven decisions & strategies to retain their customers.

Business's Requirements-

Present a visualizing dashboard to the Retention Manager & the Management team reflecting the relevant KPIs & provide necessary suggestions to the Management based on the findings & Insight. Some of the key KPIs & metrics are as follows -

  • Total customers

  • Retention & Churn Rate

  • Total Revenue generated & Revenue loss

  • Monthly Revenue

  • Last month revenue loss, Last month Churn rate & Last month customers churned

  • Average monthly charges

  • Admin Support & Tech Support tickets


  • Performed ETL to Extract the Data from external data source, Transformed the data to desired format & then Loaded the data to Power-BI to conduct further analysis on the dataset

  • Data Cleaning & Data Transformation was done on Power BI by using Power Query Editor, removed unwanted columns, replaced some values, added conditional columns, changed the Data-type for some columns & renamed some columns for conducting further analysis

  • Created DAX measures table to find certain KPIs & Key metrics such as 'Total customers', 'Customers retained' , 'Customer Churn', 'Churn Rate', 'Average monthly charges', 'Total Revenue', 'monthly revenue', 'revenue loss', 'last month revenue loss', 'last month churn rate' & 'last month customers churned'

Upon completion of the Data Transformation, I proceeded with Data Visualizations as tasked by the Retention Manager.

There are 2 Slicers on the Overview & Churn Analysis report page which are Filter by Gender & Age Group, on Demographics & Subscriptions report page, there are Slicers - Filter by Contract Type, Internet Subscription & Tenure while on the Account Information report page there are 2 Slicers- Filter by Contract Type & Monthly charges type along with a Clear All Slicer button in every report page.

Key Performance Indicators(KPIs)-

  • Total customers - 7,043, Customers Retained - 5,174 & Customers Churn - 1,869

  • Churn Rate - 26.54% & Retention Rate - 73.46%

  • Last month Churn rate - 20.33% & Last month Customers churn - 380

  • Average Monthly charges - $64.76

  • Total Revenue generated - $16.06 millions & Total Revenue loss - $2.86 millions

  • Revenue loss rate - 17.83%

  • Monthly Revenue - $456.12 thousands

  • Last month Revenue loss - $139.13 thousands & Last month Revenue loss rate - 30.50%

  • Admin support tickets - 3,632 & Tech support tickets - 2,955


Most Customers are churned 0-1 year of the subscription - 1,037 customers within the 1st year

613 customers are churned after 1st month of the subscription which is the most in the 6 years of data followed by the 72nd month which has 362 customers churned

Most customers are in month-to-month subscription plan - 3,875 customers, followed by 2 year subscription plan - 1,695 & 1 year plan - 1,473 customers

Month-to-month subscription plan has witnessed most churn - 1,655 customers while 2 year subscription plan had the least churn of only 48 customers. Hence, 2-year plan usually leads to more customers retained

Internet subscription of type Fiber optic witnessed most churn - 1,297 i.e 69.4% churn followed by Internet subscription type of DSL - 459 (24.56%)

Most of the customers didn't have any dependents - 4,933 (70.04%) while 2,110 customers had dependents (29.96%)

3,402 customers have partners (48.3%) while 3,641 customers didn't have any partners (51.7%)

Majority of the customers are adults - 5,901 while 1,142 customers are Senior citizens

3,555 customers are Male while 3,488 customers are Female


The Customer Churn Analysis provides an in-depth analysis of Customer Retention & churn data, along with customer demographics & provides insights on the Customer's behaviour which helps the Retention team & Management make necessary data-driven decision & strategies to retain their customers.

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