HR Analytics - Diversity & Inclusion | PwC

Tools used in this project
HR Analytics - Diversity & Inclusion | PwC

Power BI Dashboard

About this project


For this project, I'm tasked to create a visualization report on Power BI that highlights gender imbalance as KPIs, at a Human Resources of Telecom company client who depends on this report to identify the root causes of gender imbalance at the Executive Management Level.

The Telecom company needs a workforce of diverse talents and backgrounds to succeed in an increasingly complex and heterogeneous world as for them Diversity & Inclusion are Business Imperatives.

Business's Requirements-

Present a Visualizing report in Power BI reflecting KPIs & metrics that provides an Insights to the Gender Imbalance & other Diversity aspects. Some of the KPIs mentioned by the stakeholders are as follows -

  • Total no. of Men
  • Total no. of Women
  • Total no. of Leavers
  • Employees promoted in FY-2021 (%)
  • Women promoted (%)
  • Men Hired (%)
  • Women Hired (%)
  • Turnover Rate
  • Average Performance Rating : Men
  • Average Performance Rating : Women


  • Performed ETL to Extract the Data from external data source, Transformed the data to desired format & then Loaded the data to Power-BI to conduct further analysis on the dataset
  • Data Cleaning & Data Transformation was done on Power BI by using Power Query Editor, removed unwanted tables & columns, replaced NULL values where-ever necessary, changed the Data-type for some columns for swift analysis
  • Created DAX measures table to find certain KPIs & Key metrics such as 'total employees' , 'no. of men' , 'no. of women' , 'total leavers', 'new hires', 'turnover rate', 'employees promoted in FY21 (%)', 'women promoted (%)', 'men hired (%)', 'women hired(%)' & 'average performance for men & women'

Upon completion of the Data Transformation, I proceeded with Data Visualizations as tasked by the stakeholders.

There are 4 Slicers for this report which are Filter by Gender, Age Group, Nationality & Region along with a Clear All Slicer button.

Key Performance Indicators(KPIs)-

  • Total no. of employees - 500, Current employees - 453, Employees left - 47, Newly Hired employees - 66 & Turnover Rate is 10.38%
  • Total no. of Men are - 295 , total no. of Women are - 205 , Men Hired - 59% , Women Hired - 41%
  • Employees promoted in FY-2021 are - 13.56% from the base group
  • Women promoted - 16.06% & Men promoted -23.97%
  • Overall Average Performance Rating is - 2.49
  • Average performance rating for Men is - 2.50 & for Women is - 2.49
  • Average Performance Rating for FY-2019 is - 2.57
  • Average Performance Rating for FY-2020 is - 2.41


  • Most of the Employees are from Operations - 203 & HR department - 168 respectively that's about 74% of the total employees in the company
  • Most of the employees have Job position of Junior Officer - 204 (40.8%) followed by Senior Officer - 105 (21%) with Executive Job position being the least at 16 employees(3.2%)
  • 223 employees are from the age group of 20-29 years followed by 174 employees from the age group of 30-39 years
  • 264 employees are from Switzerland, which is the most followed by 224 employees from Europe region
  • 93% of the employees are working on Full-time basis & the rest 7% are on Part-time basis
  • In HR department, 70.59% employees are Women, while Strategy department has 81.82% Men, with Operations being the only department which has a Gender balance with 49.26% women & 50.74% men
  • Job position of Junior Officer has 53.43% Women employees & 46.57% men & Job position of Senior Officer has 46.67% women & 53.33% men, while every other Job position has a gender imbalance which is the highest for Executive level Job position which has 87.50% men employees
  • Almost half (48.48%) of the newly Hired employees are from the age group of 20-29 years
  • The Average Performance Rating of the employees who left the company at various Job levels had been consistently higher than the employees who are retained. This might be a cause of concern as better performing employees are leaving the Organization


The HR Analytics - Diversity & Inclusion dashboard provides an in-depth analysis & Insights of the HR data of the Telecom company that helps the organization to improve gender balance & boost diversity & inclusion by identifying root causes for the problem & ,make data-driven strategies that will lead to a diverse workforce within the organization.

Note:- The Home page has "HR Analytics - Overview", "HR Analytics -Diversity & Inclusion" & "HR Analytics - Performance" button for easier & smooth Page Navigation.

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