LinkedIn Job Market Analysis

Tools used in this project
LinkedIn Job Market Analysis

Power BI Dashboard

About this project


As a part of the 'Linkedin Job Market Analysis' , the goal is to provide a comprehensive framework for Data Analysis to derive valuable Insights into Job Market Dynamics on Linkedin platform in India.

Business Requirements-

Present a Visualizing report in Power BI that reflects the metrics in Linkedin Job market & other Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) & to provide an Insights on Linkedin Job Market trends that are valuable for job seekers & Employers. The analysis I conducted for this project are as follows:-

  • Job Market Trends
  • Popular Industries & Companies
  • Skill Demand
  • Geographical Analysis
  • Experience Level Requirements
  • Contract & Work Arrangement Analysis
  • Application Count Analysis
  • Recently posted Job Analysis
  • Job Description Analysis
  • Predictive Modelling


1. Job Market Trends

undefinedFrom the visual, the top 5 industries in terms of job postings being released are IT Services & IT Consulting, Software Development, Staffing & Recruiting, Technology (Information & Internet) & Financial Services. While, Bengaluru & Mumbai region has the most Job postings.

During the period of March-2023 to February-2024 of the dataset, it is seen from the analysis that the Job postings have grown exponentially from the year 2023 compared to first two months of 2024.undefinedQuarter-wise, the 1st Quarter, the period from January to March has seen the highest number of Job postings of 657, in the 2nd Quarter, job postings drops to 21, 3rd Quarter sees a marginal rise of Job postings which stood at 43 & the 4th Quarter the number of Job postings are at 136.undefinedMonth-wise Job postings visual shows that the month of January is the month with highest Job postings of 585,followed by month of December with 98 Job postings & February with 70 job postings while the rest of the months have very low number of Job postings.


On drilling-down the visual, we get continuous time period month-wise & quarter-wise trends of Job postings which are as follows:-


2. Popular Industries & Companies

undefinedThis visuals shows the Top Industries & Companies that are hiring in India via Linkedin platform.

IT Services & IT Consulting is the sector with highest job postings of 81, while Tata Cummins is the company that received the most job applications - 20.

3. Geographical Analysis

undefinedThe top 5 states with highest Job openings are - Karnataka with 224 job openings, followed by Maharashtra with 193, Haryana - 82, Telangana - 57 & U.P with 44 job openings. While, Bengaluru is the city with highest job openings at 178 openings, followed by Mumbai with 110 job openings, followed by Gurugram (56), Pune (56) & Hyderabad (51).

From the Geographical visual, it is clear that there is a regional disparity in terms of job availability.

The states of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Delhi NCT region has the highest job postings, while there is limited to no job postings in the states of Jammu-Kashmir, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Odisha & the North-eastern states.

4. Skill Demand

undefinedFrom the word-cloud visual, the most in-demand Skills are - Strong communication skills, Data Analysis, Python, Software development & management , while few emerging skills are - Excel, marketing, Sales, AI, HR, talent acquisition.

5. Experience Level Requirements

undefinedundefinedundefinedFrom the above Drill-down Clustered column chart visuals, it is evident that the Data Scientist Job role is the most popular Job role among the applicants. Also, for Data Scientist, Product Manager & Human Resources Business Partner roles, Mid-Senior Level experience level is preferable, while for Financial Analyst & Data Scientist roles, Entry Level & Executive level experience is also preferable.

6. Contract & Work Arrangement Analysis

undefinedMost of the job postings are Full-time contract (769), followed by Contract based jobs (10), Internship(9), Part-time jobs (3), Other contract type jobs (1), Temporary jobs (1) and there are 64 jobs whose contract data is Not-available.

There are a total of 121 Work types & out of those 153 are of Engineering & Information Technology work type (43.22%), Human Resources - 54(15.25%), Sales & Business Development - 51(14.41%), Finance & Sales - 50(14.12%) & Information Technology - 46(12.99%).

7. Recently posted Job Analysis

undefinedOf the total 857 job postings, 394 jobs(45.97%) are recently posted jobs & also the vast number of Job applications received by the companies are also very recent, with 17,495 job applications received are within 1 week of the Job posted, 7616 job applications are those which are posted just 1 day ago. So, the trends clearly shows that most number of Job applications are received within the Posting of the Job on Linkedin.

8. Application Count Analysis

undefinedThe total number of Job postings have been 857 and for 857 job postings, the total number of Job Applications received are 1,01,219. Tata Cummins Company have released the most 15 job postings, followed by Freshworks (7 job postings), Eazy ERP Technologies (6 job postings), Microsoft(6 job postings) & so on.

undefinedThe total number of Applications received are 1,01,129 & Infosys have received the most Applications(1000), followed by Tata Cummins(997), Freshworks(931), Valeo(925), Procter & Gamble(852).

9. Job Description Analysis

undefinedThe Job-Description Analysis shows the common keywords in Job Descriptions, some of which are - and, the, with, while the most common Skills are - HR, communication skills, Data analysis, Machine Learning, problem understanding, systems solutions etc.

10. Predictive Modelling

undefinedHere, Predictive Modelling is used to anticipate the Job market dynamics for the upcoming months/years. The Predictive Modelling shows the forecast for the upcoming months of the number of job postings to be released based on the data present. The forecast shows that there might be a gradual increase in Job postings since March-2024.


The Linkedin Job Market Analysis provides an in-depth analysis of the Job Market dynamics in India which provides valuable insights on application trends, peak posting times, popular job titles, company dynamics, geographical patterns, sector-specific insights, job freshness, company-specific behaviours, and predictive modelling.

This Insights gained from this analysis is beneficial for Job-seekers, employers & companies to identify the peak Job posting months/seasons, popular job titles, Skill based recruitments for specific Job roles, application trends.

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