Tools used in this project
Restaurant Order Analysis

About this project

Project Description: Restaurant Data Analysis


The aim of this project is to analyze restaurant data to gain insights into menu pricing, order trends, and customer behavior. This analysis is structured into three main objectives:

  1. Explore the Items Table:
    • Goals:
      • Determine the number of rows in the items table.
      • Identify the least and most expensive items.
      • Categorize item prices within each category.
    • Approach:
      • Utilize SQL queries to count rows, find minimum and maximum prices, and group items by category to assess price distribution.
  2. Explore the Orders Table:
    • Goals:
      • Find the date range of orders.
      • Calculate the number of items within each order.
      • Identify orders with the highest number of items.
    • Approach:
      • Use SQL queries to determine the range of dates, count items per order, and rank orders by item count to highlight the largest orders.
  3. Analyze Customer Behavior:
    • Goals:
      • Combine the items and orders tables to find the least and most ordered categories.
      • Investigate the details of the highest spend orders.
    • Approach:
      • Join the items and orders tables to perform category-wise analysis of order frequency and identify orders with the highest total spend.


  1. Data Exploration:
    • Use SQL to explore and understand the structure and contents of the items and orders tables.
    • Perform descriptive statistics to summarize key information about prices and order patterns.
  2. Data Analysis:
    • Conduct detailed analysis by writing SQL queries to answer specific questions related to each objective.
    • Aggregate and visualize data where applicable to uncover trends and patterns.
  3. Customer Insights:
    • Combine insights from both tables to understand customer preferences and spending behavior.
    • Identify key categories driving sales and analyze high-value orders for deeper insights.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Comprehensive understanding of item pricing and categorization.
  • Detailed insights into order patterns and trends.
  • Identification of key customer behavior metrics, such as most and least ordered categories and high-value orders.
  • Actionable insights for optimizing menu offerings and improving customer satisfaction.
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