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World Happiness Report 2021

About this project


The objective of this project is to analyze the World Happiness Report 2021 dataset to identify key factors that influence happiness across different countries and regions.

Libraries Used

  • NumPy: For numerical operations.
  • Pandas: For data manipulation and analysis.
  • Seaborn: For data visualization.
  • Matplotlib: For creating static, interactive, and animated visualizations.

Data Preparation

The dataset is loaded from a CSV file and specific columns are selected for analysis:

  • Country name
  • Regional indicator
  • Happiness score
  • GDP per capita
  • Social support
  • Healthy life expectancy
  • Freedom to make life choices
  • Generosity
  • Perceptions of corruption

Column names are renamed for ease of use.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  1. Null Values Check: Verified that there are no missing values in the dataset.
  2. Scatter Plot: A scatter plot was created to visualize the relationship between happiness score and GDP per capita, with colors representing different regions.
  3. Pie Chart: Displayed the GDP contribution by region to understand the economic distribution.
  4. Bar Charts:
    • Total number of countries in each region.
    • Top 10 happiest and bottom 10 least happy countries.
    • Life expectancy in the top 10 happiest and bottom 10 least happy countries.
    • Countries with the highest and lowest perceptions of corruption.
  5. Scatter Plots: Visualized the relationships between:
    • Happiness score and freedom to make life choices.
    • Happiness score and perceptions of corruption.

Key Insights

  • Happiness and GDP: There is a positive correlation between GDP per capita and happiness scores. Higher GDP per capita is generally associated with higher happiness.
  • Regional Contributions: GDP contributions vary significantly across different regions, highlighting economic disparities.
  • Life Expectancy: Happier countries tend to have higher life expectancy, indicating a strong link between well-being and health.
  • Freedom to Make Life Choices: There is a positive correlation between the freedom to make life choices and happiness, suggesting that autonomy and personal freedom are crucial for happiness.
  • Corruption Perception: Lower perceptions of corruption are associated with higher happiness scores, indicating that trust and transparency in governance play a significant role in national well-being.


This analysis provides valuable insights into the factors that contribute to happiness across different countries and regions. By understanding these relationships, policymakers and researchers can better address the elements that enhance well-being and improve the quality of life for people worldwide.

Discussion and feedback(1 comment)
Christopher Bruehl
Christopher Bruehl
4 months ago
Hey Sweta, Just want to let you know you can now embed jupyter notebooks into your profile. Would love to see more of your work! https://help.mavenanalytics.io/en/articles/6792720-how-do-i-embed-media-in-my-project#h_e9f3a136a4
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