Tools used in this project
HR Analytics Dashboard

About this project

Project Title: Interactive HR Analytics Dashboard using Power BI

Objective: To create an interactive Power BI dashboard that consolidates HR data to analyze employee attrition, demographics, and performance, providing critical insights for strategic human resource management and organizational improvement.

Scope: The dashboard focuses on key HR metrics such as overall attrition rate, attrition by various demographics, average age, salary, years at the company, and job role distributions. It aims to assist HR managers and executives in understanding and addressing workforce challenges.

Data Sources:

  1. Employee Demographics: Includes data on age, gender, education, and job role.
  2. Attrition Records: Details of employees who have left the company.
  3. Salary Information: Employee salary data.
  4. Tenure Data: Records of employee years at the company.

Key Features:

  1. Overall Attrition Rate:
    • A card visual displaying the overall attrition rate of 16.1%.
    • A card visual showing the total number of employees (1470) and the number of employees who have left (237).
  2. Average Employee Metrics:
    • Average age of employees is displayed as 37 years.
    • Average salary is displayed as 6.5K.
    • Average tenure is shown as 7.0 years.
  3. Attrition by Education:
    • A visual representation showing the attrition rate by different education levels such as Medical (38%), Life Sciences (27%), Marketing (15%), and Technical Degrees (14%).
  4. Attrition by Age:
    • A bar chart showing the number of employees leaving within different age groups: 26-35, 18-25, 36-45, 46-55, and 55+.
  5. Attrition by Job Role:
    • A table and bar chart showing attrition numbers across various job roles, including Healthcare Representatives, Human Resources, Laboratory Technicians, Managers, Manufacturing Directors, Research Directors, Research Scientists, Sales Executives, and Sales Representatives.
  6. Attrition by Salary Slab:
    • A visual breakdown of attrition based on salary ranges, indicating higher attrition in the 'Upto 5K' salary slab (163 employees).
  7. Attrition by Years at Company:
    • A bar chart showing attrition distribution based on years at the company, highlighting critical tenure periods with higher attrition rates.
  8. Attrition by Gender:
    • A comparison chart of attrition rates between male and female employees.


  • Provides a clear and concise overview of employee attrition and related demographics.
  • Identifies trends and patterns in attrition, helping HR to devise targeted retention strategies.
  • Offers insights into the impact of salary, tenure, and job roles on employee turnover.
  • Facilitates data-driven decision-making for workforce planning and management.

Conclusion: The HR Analytics Dashboard serves as a comprehensive tool for monitoring and addressing employee attrition and understanding demographic impacts on the workforce. It enables HR professionals to make informed decisions to improve employee retention and organizational health.

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