2019 Sales Analysis (DataDNA Dec 22 Challenge

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2019 Sales Analysis (DataDNA Dec 22 Challenge

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Q: What was the best Year for sales? How much was earned that Year?

A:Analyze the sales revenue for each year and identify the year with the highest revenue. Result: The best year for sales was 2019, and the amount earned was 34.46M.

Q: What was the best month for sales? How much was earned that month?

A:Situation: Sales revenue for multiple months. Task: Identify the best month for sales and the amount earned. Action: Analyze the sales revenue for each month and identify the month with the highest revenue. Result: The best month for sales was December 2019, and the amount earned was 4.6M.

Q: What City had the highest number of sales?

A: Situation: Sales data for multiple cities. Task: Identify the city with the highest number of sales. Action: Analyze the sales data for each city and identify the city with the highest number of sales. Result: The city with the highest number of sales was San Franscico.

Q: What time should we display advertisement to maximize the likelihood of customer’s buying the product?

A: Situation: Need to maximize customer’s likelihood of buying the product. Task: Determine the best time to display advertisements. Action: Analyze sales data to identify patterns in customer behavior and purchase patterns to determine the best time to display advertisements. Result: The best time to display advertisements is between 11am-1pm and then again 6-8PM.

Q: What products are most often sold together?

A: Situation: Sales data for multiple products. Task: Identify which products are most frequently sold together. Action: Analyze the sales data to determine which products are most frequently sold together. Result: The products most often sold together are the Iphone and cahrging cable.

Q: What product sold the most? Why do you think it sold the most?

A: Situation: Sales data for multiple products. Task: Identify the product that sold the most and determine why it sold the most. Action: Analyze the sales data to determine which product sold the most and identify potential reasons for its success. Result: The product that sold the most was AAA and AA batteries.

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