Ticket Monitor ! (Tech Support Metrics)

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Ticket Monitor ! (Tech Support Metrics)

Technical Support Dashboard - Onyx Data Challenge, May 2024

About this project

Peak Time: Daily volume spikes occur between 15:00 and 16:00 hours.

Ticket Nature: Most tickets during this peak time are low-priority, primarily related to product setups and feature requests, via the chat medium.

Resolution Efficiency: Approximately 70% of these tickets are handled by Tier 1 and resolved within an average of 19.7 mins.

Agent Performance: Top Performer: Connor Danielovitch is the standout agent during peak hours, handling the highest volume of tickets via chat. Notably, Connor manages about 16% of the overall chat volume.

Overall Ticket Distribution: Primary Medium: 52% of volume is via emails. Half of these are low-priority, focusing on product setups, pricing/licensing, and feature requests.

First Contact Resolution (FCR): Email tickets have the highest FCR rate, with 254 out of 315 FCR cases resolved at first contact.

Resolution Time (Res.Time): Despite the high FCR rate, the average Res.Time via email is the second highest average at 33.24 hours.

Volume Breakdown: Product setup-related tickets constitute 12.5% of the overall volume, with 7.3% submitted via email.

Preferred Medium: Email emerges as the preferred medium, regardless of priority, likely due to inconvenience over waiting in call or chat queues.

Improvement Opportunities: Enhancing email response templates. Developing comprehensive self-help documents.

First Response (F.R) Time: F.R time increases with higher ticket volumes. The support team’s average F.R time is 26 minutes, with 13.3% of cases exceeding the 60-minute target.

Tier Breakdown: Tier 1 handles 76% of the ticket volume with an Avg. F.R time of 25 minutes, whilst Tier 2 has a slightly higher Avg. of 28 minutes.

F.R Time vs. Res.Time: There is an inverse relationship between F.R time and Res.Time.With 311 F.R violations, the team has reduced the Avg. F.R time in the second half of the year. Inversely, Res.Time violations have increased totaling to 783 cases.

CSAT and Survey Response Rates: Faster F.R and Res.Time's do not directly impact CSAT but do lead to higher survey response rates. While Res.time violations resulted in survey response rates of 28.86%, adherence to Res.SLA resulted in a jump to 61.3%.

Opportunities for Improvement: There is a significant opportunity to improve resolution time as it has a more substantial impact on survey response rates.

Geographic Ticket Distribution: The highest number of tickets originate from Germany, Italy, and the U.K.

Backlog Compliance: Oldest Tickets: 15 tickets have been unresolved for over 350 days.200-300 Days: 192 tickets. 100-200 Days: 111 tickets.10-100 Days: 97 tickets.

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