Diagnosing the Diagnoser (Hospital Metrics Dashboard)

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Diagnosing the Diagnoser (Hospital Metrics Dashboard)

Massachusetts General Hospital Dashboard

About this project

  1. Patient Profiling section enables filtering based on patient demographics throughout the Hospital Dashboard.
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Ethnicity
  • City
  • County
  • Marital Status


  1. Preliminary Report section provides general statistics in the order of a typical journey through the stages in the hospital.


  1. Encounter Class Types Scan offers a classification of the different patient types engaging with the hospital, using 2 Tree-Maps.


  1. Patients & Encounter Duration Trends within a shared space presents trends over the decade of the visiting patients versus their encounter time spent at the hospital.

Inspired by general ECG scans, the effect is achieved using overlapping inverted column chart(visiting patients trend) and an area chart(encounter time) .

undefinedIn addition a deep dive into the numbers split across age-groups is provided on mouse hover, using tool-tips undefined

  1. Patients & Procedure Duration Trends, presented in the same fashion as earlier but focusing on the patients whose encounters qualified to procedures vs their time spent.


  1. Unsuccessful Cases led Mortality displays a growing trend of how many procedures failed over time and its causes via tool tips.

Column Chart - Error Bars, were used to achieve a cemetery scene, emphasizing deaths over time.


  1. Subsequently display is the breakdown of the leading descriptions of mortality cases, displayed separately by Encounter and Procedural types.

Acute Bronchitis stands out as the major killer cause.


  1. Success Rates by Age Group summarizes stats for overall journey of the patients through the stages split by age groups: Encounters --> Qualifying to Procedures --> Mortality .

Interestingly the Age Group 61-70 with lower encounters and procedure rates account to higher mortality rate compared to the later age group 71-80.


  1. Top Payers, Claim Settlements outlines the performance Top Insurers over time, clearing indicating Medicare(4th Quadrant) covered most higher settlements, while Medicaid(3rd Quadrant) remained relatively more consistent over the other


  1. **Cost  vs Claim Rates** concludes by emphasizing  journey from the beginning until *claim settlements.*

Notably the Age Group 61-70 with a higher mortality rate than its later group as observed earlier, has the lowest coverage and claim settlements as well.


Subject to debate : - Is Mortality in any manner driven by Medical Coverages particularly for the 61-70 age group ?

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