Doha Track Stars: Athlete Performance Monitoring

Tools used in this project
Doha Track Stars: Athlete Performance Monitoring

Power BI Report

About this project


The purpose of this report is to assist the coach of Doha Track Stars in tracking and analyzing the split times of athletes, collected during training and competition. The report is designed to provide insights into athlete performance, enabling the coach to monitor progress, identify trends, and manage athlete fatigue effectively.

Data Collection and Visualization

Data for this report is gathered by the assistant coach through an Excel worksheet, where all relevant split times from training and competitions are recorded. This data is then imported into Power BI and summarized using visualizations and metrics.

Key Features of the Report

KPI Cards with Trend Lines

- Cumulative times from 10m through to 60m as well as max speed (measured in m/s) were highlighted by the coach as KPIs to track for each athlete in each session. Each of these metrics has a dedicated KPI card that displays the split from the best run at the furthest distance each day.
- The split is also compared against:
    - Best time ever split (irrespective of distance)
    - Best training run split
    - Best competition run split
- A trend or 'momentum' line is included on these KPI cards to show the athlete’s progress over previous sessions. This visual aid helps the coach to quickly identify any upward/downward trends (depending on the metric) that might indicate fatigue or other performance issues.

Summary of Training Runs

- The report includes a comprehensive summary of all runs completed during training sessions.

Best Run Analysis

- A visual breakdown of each athlete's best run (for both split and cumulative times) is provided to show at which segment of the run an athlete is improving or showing weakness.

Benefits to the Coach

- **Monitoring Fatigue**: By observing the momentum lines on the KPI cards, the coach can detect early signs of fatigue and make informed decisions on training intensity and recovery periods which is especially important when leading up to competition.
- **Comparative Analysis**: The detailed breakdown of best runs allows the coach to evaluate the effectiveness of training strategies and identify areas for improvement.


This Power BI report provides the Doha Track Stars coach with a powerful tool to track and analyze athlete performance. The insights gained from this report are invaluable for making data-driven decisions, optimizing training plans, and ultimately enhancing the overall performance of the athletes. By leveraging the capabilities of Power BI, the coach can ensure that each athlete reaches their full potential while maintaining optimal health and readiness for competition.

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