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Maven LEGO Challenge

LEGO Minifigures PowerBI Dashboard

About this project

Project Report: Exploration of LEGO Minifigure Evolution

Objective: This project aimed to explore the history and evolution of LEGO minifigures, tracing their growth and development over the years. The analysis focused on understanding trends in minifigure inclusion in LEGO sets, changes in design and diversity, and the impact of market and consumer preferences on LEGO's minifigure strategy.


  1. Data Collection and Initial Analysis with Excel:
    • A comprehensive dataset of LEGO sets was provided for this challenge, including details on the year of release, theme, number of pieces, and minifigures.
    • Preliminary exploratory data analysis (EDA) was conducted using Excel. This phase involved filtering, sorting, and basic statistical analysis to identify initial trends and patterns in the data, particularly focusing on the frequency and characteristics of minifigures in the sets.
  2. Advanced Visualization with Power BI:
    • The cleaned and structured dataset from Excel was imported into Power BI.
    • Advanced visualizations were created to illustrate the evolution of LEGO minifigures. These included time-series analyses showing the growth in the number of minifigures, thematic comparisons, and the relationship between set complexity and minifigure inclusion.
    • Interactive elements were incorporated to allow dynamic exploration of the data, such as filtering by year, theme, or set complexity.
  3. Supplementary Internet Research:
    • To augment the data analysis, additional research was conducted via the Internet. This research provided context on key milestones in LEGO minifigure history, such as the introduction of the modern minifigure in 1978, the expansion of themed and licensed sets in the 2000s, and recent trends towards increased diversity and character-driven sets.
    • This qualitative information was crucial in interpreting the data trends and provided a narrative to the story of LEGO minifigures.


  • Growth Trends: A significant increase in minifigures per set was observed, especially post-2000, coinciding with LEGO's strategic shift towards licensed themes and character-driven sets.
  • Theme and Design Evolution: Changes in minifigure design and variety were closely tied to introducing new themes, especially licensed franchises.
  • Market Influence: Consumer preferences and the collector's market appeared to significantly influence LEGO's minifigure strategy, evident from the introduction of the Collectible Minifigures series and increased diversity in minifigure representation.

Conclusion: The project successfully mapped the historical trajectory of LEGO minifigures, revealing how changes in market strategies, consumer preferences, and cultural trends have shaped their evolution. The combination of quantitative data analysis with qualitative research provided a comprehensive understanding of the minifigures' journey from simple, generic figures to diverse, character-rich elements that are central to the LEGO experience.

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Discussion and feedback(11 comments)
Chris Dutton
Chris Dutton
5 months ago
Great report Jack, love the design and the use of bookmarks to feature various periods on the timeline – very clever! 👏

Jhonathan Alexander Gonzales Piza
Jhonathan Alexander Gonzales Piza
5 months ago
Amazing, It looks so clean!

Siddharth Warrier
Siddharth Warrier
5 months ago
Congratulations Jack! Great work!

Claire Soh
Claire Soh
5 months ago
Amazing work Jack. Thank you for sharing. The dashboard is neat and clean. I love how you partition each decade and everything fits nicely into our screens.

Parvez Alam
Parvez Alam
5 months ago

Shanil Vashi
5 months ago
Nice job Jack very nice, neat and clean dashboard

Szymon Świeży
Szymon Świeży
5 months ago
How did you make those highlighted periods on the chart?

Chijioke Chidiebere
Chijioke Chidiebere
5 months ago
This is amazing, very simple description.
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