Maven Tech Quarterly Sales Performance Dashboard

Tools used in this project
Maven Tech Quarterly Sales Performance Dashboard

Power BI Dashboard

About this project

Project Brief:

In an effort to transform into a data-driven organization, the goal was to develop an interactive dashboard that empowers sales managers to monitor their team's quarterly performance effectively.

Project Scope:

The dashboard was designed as a one-page interface, offering comprehensive insights into the team's quarterly sales performance through key metrics.

Deciding on Metrics:

To align the dashboard with the needs of sales managers, I envisioned their daily decision-making processes. Initially, over 12 metrics were considered, but through further analysis and prioritization, the following were chosen to provide the most insightful assessment of both overall and individual team performance:

Total Dollar Amount Won: Tracks the total revenue from successful deals, indicating financial performance.

Total Deals Won: Reveals the number of successful transactions, reflecting sales activity and team effectiveness.

Win Rate: The ratio of deals won versus lost, helping assess the efficacy of sales strategies.

Average Price Variation: Measures the average upsell or discount on successful deals, showing the team’s revenue-maximizing capabilities.

Deals Engaging: The current number of deals each sales agent is involved in, predicting potential future performance.

Additional individual metrics:

Average Sale: The average revenue generated by each sales agent.

Report Design Thought Process:

Developed using Power BI, the dashboard structure showcases Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at the top, followed by a detailed breakdown of individual sales agents' performances across various metrics. The final section displays charts of the Top 5 Products and Sectors, with selectable metrics for deeper analysis.

Interactive features include:

Slicers: Positioned on the left-hand pane, these allow for data filtering at regional and individual manager levels by quarter.

Individual Sales Agent Reports: Enabled by the table filters, these reports are ideal for one-on-one manager-agent reviews.

Product and Sector Charts: Serve as additional data slicers and provide visual insights into key areas of sales.

Metrics are compared quarter over quarter (QoQ), with both absolute and percentage changes where relevant. Metrics also include national and regional ranks to foster competitiveness among teams and drive sales improvements.

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