Political Contributions by Sports Owners

Political Contributions by Sports Owners

About this project

After downloading the dataset I loaded the data in Power Query. I looked at the data and knew that a few things would need to be changed so that I could get a better visualization. The first thing that needed to be changed was that some owners had more the one team associated with them. Meaning an owner could have an NFL and WNBA team listed or some other combination. I extracted just the first team name in order to get a cleaner data set. After that was done I changed the party affiliations of Biparitsan, mainly Republican and Bipartisan, mainly Decomcratic to Reublican and Democrat respectively. Lastly, I wanted to know the contribution size so I made a conditional column and for anything donated under 10k I lableled small (<10K), anything between 10k-99k I labeled medium (10K-99K) and then everything else large (>100K).

Once that was all done I loaded everything up and made a couple of measures. I made one for the total amount donated which was just - Total Amount = SUM(amount). I then made one for the Total Amount Republican which was - Total Republican = Calculate(Total Amount), FILTER(sports-political-table, PARTY="Republican")). This would give me the value of just the amount donated to Republicans. I then repeated this for the democrats. Finally I wanted a percent total for republicans so I made Pct Rebuplican = Total Republican / Total Amount and repeated for the Deomcrats.

After the measures were complete I started visualizing the data and saw that republicans dominate the amount of donations. Donations have been decreasing since 2016 into 2020 and I wonder if the global pandemic played a part in that. I would have to update the dataset with the info from 2022 once it is available to confirm that.

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