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A Sip into Coffee Culture

Coffee Challenge

About this project

As the appointed Analytics Consultant, my task is to extract actionable insights from "The Great American Coffee Taste Test" and craft a data-driven strategy for our investors who are eager to launch their inaugural coffee shop venture.

Goal: To provide a comprehensive report outlining a strategic roadmap for opening a coffee shop, leveraging insights collected from extensive consumer taste tests. The investors are counting on data consultants analytical prowess to navigate through the complexities of the coffee industry and steer them towards success.

Key Areas of Focus:

Target Audience Identification:

Analyze consumer preferences and behaviors to pinpoint the ideal target audience for the coffee shop.

Determine demographic factors that influence coffee consumption patterns.

Recommend tailored marketing strategies to attract and retain the target customers.

Product Offering Optimization:

Utilize insights from "The Great American Coffee Taste Test" to curate a compelling menu of coffee beans and beverages.

Explore the diversity of flavor profiles and brewing methods to cater to varying consumer tastes and preferences.

Pricing Strategy Alignment:

Develop a pricing strategy that aligns with customer value perception and competitive market dynamics.

Insights and Recommendations basec on the Data:

Key Takeaways and Recommendations for Target Audience:

  • Remote workers who drink their coffee at the cafe or to go make up around 10% of all the surveyed participants. You could target them along with the students by offering a conducive environment for work or study. Providing amenities like free Wi-Fi and comfortable seating can attract this segment.
  • Urban Millennials: 21% of this demographic group, aged 25-44 drinks coffee outside home or office . This category is known for its affinity towards specialty coffee and willingness to pay premium prices for quality. They value ambiance, convenience, and social experiences.
  • Based on the study the biggest coffee drinkers are white men in general and specifically with no children as well as Asian/Pacific Islander. If you target the group with no children 20% then consider having specific policies regarding your visitors. Alternatively think of a designated play area.

Key Takeaways and Recommendations for Profuct Offering:

  • Latte, Pourover, Regular Drink, Capuccino and Espresso are among the most drinkable types of coffee and account for 70% of all drinks. Consider offering unique and seasonal specialty drinks to attract customers and encourage repeat visits. Examples include flavored lattes, cold brews, nitro coffees, and signature drinks.
  • 51% drinks coffee black, so you can have some healthier options. On the other hand, around 50% add something to their coffees. Thus, besides traditional espresso-based drinks like lattes and cappuccinos, consider
  • Milk lovers prefer whole milk, oat milk, half and half. They typically seek out a coffee experience characterized by creaminess and sweetness and often willing to invest a bit more in premium-quality milk and cream. Ideal coffee products for this kind of consumer are: Creamy coffees, Sweetened coffees, Flavored coffees. When targeting this audience, emphasize the appeal of creamy indulgence and sweet satisfaction in your product offerings.
  • Caffeine seekers: Ideal Coffee products: Dark roast coffees, instant coffees, high caffeine content coffees. If you target that group, focus on the content of caffeine of your product.

Key Takeaways and Recommendations for Price Strategy:

  • Value-Based Pricing: Determine the perceived value of your offerings to your target audience and set prices accordingly. Highlight the quality of your coffee beans, the ambiance of your coffee shop, and the overall
  • Those respondents who stated that they drink coffee at a cafe spend on their drinks approximately 6-15 dollars.
  • Dynamic Pricing: Consider implementing dynamic pricing strategies, where prices may vary based on factors such as time of day, demand, or seasonal fluctuations. Use data analytics to optimize pricing and maximize revenue, taking into account factors like customer behavior and market trends.

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Discussion and feedback(2 comments)
Anna Viter
Anna Viter
4 months ago
The coffee project is really incredible and makes me want to study those visuals! Great work, Olga!

Justin Power
Justin Power
4 months ago
A unique way to breakdown the demographics. Creative visualizations as well, I think this looks great.
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