HR Employee Survey Analysis - A Guided Project

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HR Employee Survey Analysis - A Guided Project

About this project

As a new Human Resources Associate for the Seattle Department of Public Works, I was asked to analyze survey response data, and create a visual summary for the HR leadership team.

The three objectives included:

  1. Explore the data to correct any quality issues.

I used calculated metrics such as, MIN, MAX, and COUNT. I activated filters on the header row to remove blank and duplicate records.

  1. Prepare and reformat the data for visualization.

I generated a unique list of 10 survey questions, and for each question calculated the count of records associated with each response type: Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree. I calculated the averages of those responses and converted the counts into percentages based on the total responses for each response type.

  1. Visualize the data and identify key insights and recommendations.

I used a 100% stacked bar chart to visualize the percentages to show the question with the highest level of average responses at the top. I used orange shades to represent negative responses and blue shades for positive responses.


Employees know what is expected of them at work. Supervisors care about their employees as individuals. Not many employees receive recognition or praise for doing good work. Many employees don’t have a best friend at work.


Maybe we can implement more social or networking activities to create closer connections between co-workers. Also, we could find a way to publicly notice and showcase great work on a weekly basis to enhance employee engagement and motivation.

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