Tools used in this project
Diwali Sales Analysis

About this project

Data Source

The dataset is stored in a CSV file named "Diwali Sales Data.csv," containing information about customers, products, orders, and sales.


Ensure you have necessary Python libraries installed: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, and seaborn. Install them using:

bashCopy code
pip install numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn

Analysis Steps

  1. Importing Libraries and Loading Data
    • Used essential libraries.
    • Loaded data into a pandas DataFrame.
  2. Data Cleaning
    • Checked dataset info.
    • Dropped irrelevant columns.
    • Handled null values.
    • Converted 'Amount' to integer type.
  3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
    • Explored data through visualizations.
    • Analyzed customer distribution by gender, age, state, marital status, occupation, and product category.
    • Explored the relationship between factors and total sales.


The analysis uncovered insights, such as the prominence of married women aged 26-35 from Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Karnataka. They likely work in IT, Healthcare, and Aviation, and prefer purchasing from Food, Clothing, and Electronics categories.

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