Adventure Works Dashboard - Power BI Course Project

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Adventure Works Dashboard - Power BI Course Project

About this project

This Power BI dashboard features three pages: Executive Summary, Product Detail, and Customer Detail page.

Executive Summary includes an overview of the company's monthly revenue, orders, and returns. There is a slicer that allows for date range adjustment, as needed. The orders are broken down into categories and subcategories for a quick understanding of the nature of the orders. The dashboard highlights the most popular and most profitable products. An interactive small map allows for quick filtering between geographic regions.

undefinedThe Product Detail page allows for an overview of a specific product and its order volume, profit, and returns. In the example below, the data refers to "AWC Logo Cap" item.

undefinedThe Customer Detail page includes an analysis of the profiles of the company's customers - their gender, occupation, age, and income level. As well, it highlights the most profitable customers and shows their order volume and revenue impact.


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