In 2020, after announcing their corporate operations were officially carbon neutral, Apple pledged to make their products carbon neutral by 2030. To achieve this goal, they set their emissions for 2015 (38.4 million metric tons CO2e) as the baseline and will aim to reduce them by 75% by 2030. The remaining 25% of gross emissions (9.6 million metric tons CO2e) will be removed using carbon offsets, bringing the net emissions to 0.
I am visualizing Apple's progress towards becoming carbon neutral in 2030.
I set out to visualize Apple's progress towards their goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030 and these are my results.
Despite a growing workforce and more advanced technology. Apple is making progress towards their goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2023. As of 2022, they are down to 18.1 M metric tons CO2e over 7 years with 8 more years to go to meet their goal and a reduction of 47.1% . The areas with the most improvements are more employees working from home and commuting less, reducing emissions by 56% from their highest in 2019 to their lowest in 2021. There has also been an overall decline by 66% in business travel from the highest in 2018 to the latest data in 2022. Manufacturing is an area with an overall 55% decline over the reporting period of 2015 to 2022. Areas that are fluctuating or rising include product use that was at the highest at 6,600,000 in 2015; lowest at 4,100,000 in 2019, rose in 2020 and 2021 to almost 5M. Product transportation seems to be the item most at on the increase at 58.3% over the reporting period rising from a low of 1.2M in 2016 to 1.9M in 2022.