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Assisted the organization in enhancing employee performance and bolstering employee retention by developing an interactive HR analytics dashboard in Excel.

KPI's Requirement: The HR department is responsible for monitoring and managing various aspects of employee data to ensure the organization maintains a healthy workforce. However, there is a lack of clear performance indicators to track and analyze key HR metrics. Therefore, there is a need to design and implement a set of KPIs to address the following points:

  1. Employee Count: The HR department lacks visibility into the total number of employees, making it challenging to assess workforce size and plan for future growth or downsizing effectively.

  2. Attrition Count: The organization lacks a standardized method to track employee attrition, resulting in incomplete and unreliable data on the number of employees who have left the organization.

  3. Attrition Rate: Without a clear measure of the attrition rate, the organization cannot assess the overall turnover level or compare it with industry benchmarks, hindering the ability to gauge employee satisfaction and engagement.

  4. Active Employees: The organization lacks a mechanism to differentiate between active and inactive employees, leading to difficulties in accurately assessing the current workforce's productivity and capacity.

  5. Average Age: The HR department lacks visibility into the average age of employees, making it difficult to evaluate workforce demographics, succession planning, and the organization's ability to attract and retain younger talent.

Chart's Requirement:

  1. Attrition by Gender: The HR department faces challenges in understanding attrition patterns based on gender, making it difficult to identify any gender-related disparities and implement targeted retention strategies.

  2. Department-wise Attrition: The HR department lacks visualizations to showcase attrition rates across different departments. This hinders their ability to identify departments with higher attrition rates and address any underlying issues or concerns effectively.

  3. Number of Employees by Age Group: The HR department requires visual representations to analyze the distribution of employees across various age groups. This helps in assessing workforce demographics, identifying any age-related gaps or imbalances, and implementing targeted HR policies or programs.

  4. Job Satisfaction Ratings: The HR department lacks visualizations to represent job satisfaction ratings, hindering their ability to measure employee engagement and overall job satisfaction levels effectively.

  5. Education Field-wise Attrition: The HR department requires visual representations to analyze attrition rates based on education fields. This helps identify specific educational backgrounds that may be associated with higher attrition, enabling the organization to tailor retention strategies accordingly.

  6. Attrition Rate by Gender for Different Age Groups: The HR department lacks visualization that displays attrition rates based on gender and different age groups. This makes it challenging to identify any age and gender-related attrition trends, preventing the organization from implementing targeted retention strategies for specific employee segments.

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