
Tools used in this project

Pizza Sales Dashboard Tableau

About this project

Conducted a comprehensive analysis of critical performance metrics within pizza sales data to extract valuable insights, which was utilized to create a dashboard featuring essential Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for optimizing business performance.

Problem Statement-- We need to analyze key indicators for our pizza sales data to gain insights into our business performance. Specifically, we want to calculate the following metrics: (Analysis of data is done in SQL)

  1. Total Revenue
  2. Average Order Value
  3. Total Pizzas Sold
  4. Total Orders
  5. Average Pizzas Per Order

Charts Requirement-- We have to visualize various aspects of our pizza sales data to gain insights and understand key trends. Required charts are below: (Charts are prepared in Tableau Dashboard)

  1. Daily Trend for Total Orders
  2. Monthly Trend for Total Orders
  3. Percentage of Sales by Pizza Category
  4. Percentage of Sales by Pizza Size
  5. Total Pizzas Sold by Pizza Category
  6. Top 5 Best Sellers by Revenue, Total Quantity, Total Orders
  7. Bottom 5 Best Sellers by Revenue, Total Quantity, Total Orders

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