COVID-19 Data Exploration with SQL

Tools used in this project
COVID-19 Data Exploration with SQL

About this project


The COVID-19 dataset is updated daily and can be downloaded from “Our World In Data". I focused on data related total infections, deaths, and vaccinations.

SQL Server Scripts (you can also see and download the scripts from my GitHub repository)

Dataset (initial view)

FROM [Project 2 - Covid Data].[dbo].[CovidData]

Filtering columns that I'm going to be using for cases/deaths

Select Location, date, total_cases, new_cases, total_deaths, population
From [Project 2 - Covid Data]..[CovidData]
Order by Location, date

Looking at Total cases vs Total deaths change over time around the world, and in Spain

Select Location, date, total_cases, total_deaths, (total_deaths/total_cases)*100 as Deaths_percentage
From [Project 2 - Covid Data]..[CovidData]
Where continent IS NOT NULL and location <> 'European Union'
Order by date, Deaths_percentage desc
Select Location, date, total_cases, total_deaths, (total_deaths/total_cases)*100 as Deaths_percentage
From [Project 2 - Covid Data]..[CovidData]
Where location='Spain'
Order by date

Selecting Total cases vs Population to check the percentage of infected individuals over time around the world, and in Spain. Note: total_cases was multiplied by "1." to transform the data from integer to numeric

Select Location, date, total_cases, Population, (total_cases*1./Population)*100 as Infected_percentage
From [Project 2 - Covid Data]..[CovidData]
Where continent IS NOT NULL and location <> 'European Union'
Order by date, Infected_percentage desc
Select Location, date, total_cases, Population, (total_cases*1./Population) as Infected_percentage
From [Project 2 - Covid Data]..[CovidData]
Where location='Spain'
Order by date

Countries with Highest Infection Rate compared to Population

Select Location, Population, MAX(total_cases) as HighestInfectionCount, MAX((total_cases*1./Population)*100)
as HighestInfected_percentage
From [Project 2 - Covid Data]..[CovidData]
Where continent IS NOT NULL and location <> 'European Union'
Group by Location, Population
Order by HighestInfected_percentage desc

Countries with Highest Deaths Count

Select Location, MAX(total_deaths) as HighestDeathCount
From [Project 2 - Covid Data]..[CovidData]
Where continent IS NOT NULL and location <> 'European Union'
Group by Location
Order by HighestDeathCount desc

Breaking down the Highest Deaths Count by Continent/Worldwide

Select continent, MAX(total_deaths) as HighestDeathCount
From [Project 2 - Covid Data]..[CovidData]
Where continent IS NOT NULL
Group by continent
Order by HighestDeathCount desc

Global daily cases and deaths. Note: total_cases was multiplied by "1." to transform the data from integer to numeric

Select date, SUM(new_cases) as TotalCases, SUM(new_deaths) as TotalDeaths,
(SUM(new_deaths*1.)/SUM(new_cases))*100 as DeathRate
From [Project 2 - Covid Data]..[CovidData]
Where continent IS NOT NULL and location <> 'European Union'
Group by date
Order by date, TotalCases

Worldwide summary of Total cases and deaths

Select SUM(new_cases) as TotalCases, SUM(new_deaths) as TotalDeaths,
(SUM(new_deaths*1.)/SUM(new_cases))*100 as DeathRate
From [Project 2 - Covid Data]..[CovidData]
Where continent IS NOT NULL and location <> 'European Union'

Looking at worldwide Vaccination vs Population over time, and in Spain

Select continent, location, date, population, new_vaccinations,
SUM(new_vaccinations) OVER (PARTITION BY location order by location, date) as RollingPeopleVaccinated
From [Project 2 - Covid Data].[dbo].[CovidData]
Where continent IS NOT NULL and location <> 'European Union'
Order by location, date

Adding Vaccination Rate column and checking worldwide and Spain data

with CTE_PopVsVac as (
    Select continent, location, date, population, new_vaccinations,
    SUM(new_vaccinations) OVER (PARTITION BY location order by location, date) as       RollingPeopleVaccinated
    From [Project 2 - Covid Data].[dbo].[CovidData]
    Where continent IS NOT NULL and location <> 'European Union'
Select *, (RollingPeopleVaccinated*1./population)*100 as VaccinationRate
From CTE_PopVsVac
Order by location, date
with CTE_PopVsVac as (
    Select continent, location, date, population, new_vaccinations,
    SUM(new_vaccinations) OVER (PARTITION BY location order by location, date) as   RollingPeopleVaccinated
    From [Project 2 - Covid Data].[dbo].[CovidData]
    Where continent IS NOT NULL and location <> 'European Union'
Select *, (RollingPeopleVaccinated*1./population)*100 as VaccinationRate
From CTE_PopVsVac
Where location='Spain'
Order by date

Creating a TEMP table for the previous query

CREATE TABLE #PeopleVaccinations (
    continent nvarchar(50),
    location nvarchar(50),
    date date,
    population bigint,
    new_vaccinations int,
    RollingPeopleVaccinated numeric(8,2) ,
INSERT INTO #PeopleVaccinations
Select continent, location, date, population, new_vaccinations,
    SUM(new_vaccinations) OVER (PARTITION BY location order by location, date) as   RollingPeopleVaccinated
From [Project 2 - Covid Data].[dbo].[CovidData]
Where continent IS NOT NULL and location <> 'European Union'
Select *, (RollingPeopleVaccinated*1./population)*100 as VaccinationRate
From #PeopleVaccinations
Order by location, date

Countries with Highest Vaccination Rate using TEMP table #PeopleVaccinations

Select location, MAX(RollingPeopleVaccinated) AS RollingPeopleVaccinated,
MAX((RollingPeopleVaccinated*1./population)*100) as VaccinationRate
From #PeopleVaccinations
Group by location
Order by VaccinationRate desc

Global Total Vaccinations

Select SUM(new_vaccinations) as TotalVaccinations
From #PeopleVaccinations

Additional project images

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