Nashville Housing Data Cleaning with SQL

Tools used in this project
Nashville Housing Data Cleaning with SQL

About this project


This dataset has information on more than 56,000+ Nashville properties. It contains data related to parcel ID, sales prices, addresses, year built, and many more.

The main goal was to clean and re-structure the data for future analysis. You can download the dataset here, in my GitHub public repository (the file was renamed as “NashvilleData” before being imported into SQL Server).

SQL Server Scripts (you can also see and download the scripts from my GitHub repository)

Dataset (initial view)

Select *
From [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data].[dbo].[NashvilleData]

Populate Property Address data (Note that Parcel ID and Property Address always match) and using "Parcel ID" to search for NULL Addresses in the same dataset

Select a.ParcelID, a.PropertyAddress, b.ParcelID, b.PropertyAddress, ISNULL(a.PropertyAddress, b.PropertyAddress)
From [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData] a
Join [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData] b
        On a.ParcelID = b.ParcelID
        And a.UniqueID <> b.UniqueID
Where a.PropertyAddress is null
SET PropertyAddress = ISNULL(a.PropertyAddress, b.PropertyAddress)
From [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData] a
Join [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData] b
        On a.ParcelID = b.ParcelID
        And a.UniqueID <> b.UniqueID
Where a.PropertyAddress is null
Select *
From [Project 1 – Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
where PropertyAddress is null

Breaking out "Property Address" into "Address" and "City" using SUBSTRING function and adding them as new columns

SUBSTRING(PropertyAddress, 1, CHARINDEX(',',PropertyAddress)-1) as Address,
SUBSTRING(PropertyAddress, CHARINDEX(',',PropertyAddress)+1, LEN(PropertyAddress)) as City
From [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
ALTER TABLE [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
ADD PropertyAddress_split varchar(100)
UPDATE [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
SET PropertyAddress_split = SUBSTRING(PropertyAddress, 1, CHARINDEX(',',PropertyAddress)-1)
ALTER TABLE [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
ADD PropertyCity_split varchar(100)
UPDATE [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
SET PropertyCity_split = SUBSTRING(PropertyAddress, CHARINDEX(',',PropertyAddress)+1, LEN(PropertyAddress))
Select PropertyAddress, PropertyAddress_split, PropertyCity_split
From [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]

Breaking out "Owner Address" into "Address", "City", and "State" using PARSENAME function and adding them as new columns

PARSENAME(REPLACE(OwnerAddress,',', '.'),3) as OwnerAddress_split,
PARSENAME(REPLACE(OwnerAddress,',', '.'),2) as OwnerCity_split,
PARSENAME(REPLACE(OwnerAddress,',', '.'),1) as OwnerState_split
From [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
ALTER TABLE [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
ADD OwnerAddress_split varchar(100)
UPDATE [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
SET OwnerAddress_split = PARSENAME(REPLACE(OwnerAddress,',', '.'),3)
ALTER TABLE [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
ADD OwnerCity_split varchar(100)
UPDATE [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
SET OwnerCity_split = PARSENAME(REPLACE(OwnerAddress,',', '.'),2)
ALTER TABLE [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
ADD OwnerState_split varchar(100)
UPDATE [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
SET OwnerState_split = PARSENAME(REPLACE(OwnerAddress,',', '.'),1)
Select OwnerAddress, OwnerAddress_split, OwnerCity_split, OwnerState_split
From [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]

Changing the binary legend 0-1 from column "Sold as Vacant" to its respective text description "No" (0) and "Yes" (1)

ALTER TABLE [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
ALTER COLUMN SoldAsVacant varchar(10)

UPDATE [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
SET SoldAsVacant= 
    WHEN SoldAsVacant=0 THEN 'No' 
    ELSE 'Yes' 
From [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]

Select SoldAsVacant, COUNT(SoldAsVacant) as Count
From [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
Group by SoldAsVacant
Order by Count

Searching for duplicates

With CTE_RowNum as(
Select *,
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
        PARTITION BY ParcelID,
                                Order by UniqueID) as Row_num
From [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData])
Select *
From CTE_RowNum
WHERE Row_num > 1

Deleting Unused Address Columns

ALTER TABLE [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]
DROP COLUMN PropertyAddress,OwnerAddress
Select *
From [Project 1 - Nashville Housing Data]..[NashvilleData]

Done! Dataset is ready for exporting and analysis!

Additional project images

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