This project deals with diabetes analysis to diagnostically predict whether a patient from at least 21 years old of Pima Indian has diabetes based on certain diagnostic measurements included in the dataset.
Project Goal : To diagnostically predict whether a Patient has Diabetes
Data Source: National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney disease
The following are the steps carried out for the analysis.
Data Exploration: The original Excel of the diabetes data sets were duplicated to avoid lossing the data completely in case of error during analysis. I went through the data to ascertain the number of columns that require cleaning, deleting of redundant columns, renaming columns and manipulated some for the projects goals .The table has 9 columns and 768 rows
Data Preparation: Analysis were carried out on the duplicate of the original files .
Data Analysis : Different Measures were made using DAX in power Query
Insights Drawn
2.There were 500 patients diagnosed with diabetes corresponding to 65% of the total patients analyzed
3.The age group 21 - 30 has the highest amount of insulin compared to the rest of the group .Hence, this group has less risk to diabetes
47.56% were diabetic due to high blood pressure while 52.44% were non - diabetic
The age group 61 - 70 has the highest diabetic patients when compared to the rest of the groups.
6.There is an increase in the patients from BMI group 1 - 19.9 with the peak at group 30 - 39.9 with patients 374 and decreases with trough at BMI group 40 - 49
1.The number of patients diagnosed with diabetes should be educated of change of their diets
3.The age group with the highest blood pressure should be educated to reduce salt intake