Parental Leave Policies Across Industries

Parental Leave Policies Across Industries

About this project

Policy Analysis Regarding Parental Leave

Project Focus

The focus of this project was to explore crowdsourced parental leave data from 1,601 companies across different industries, including paid/unpaid maternity and paternity leave weeks.

Project Goal

The goal of this project is to gauge what the parental leave policies are in varying industries/sub-industries and see what companies had the best and the worst.

Leading Questions

Some important questions asked included:

  • Which companies offer the most paid parental leave weeks?
  • Is maternity leave typically longer than paternity leave?
  • What is the distribution of parental leave weeks offered?
  • Are there noticeable differences between industries?

Project Impact

From this project stems a lot of questions and conversation around how companies can improve their parental leave policies. Information and data related to this topic can help individuals who foresee themselves having children in the future keep these policies in mind when looking for a new role.

Discussion and feedback(1 comment)
Claudia D
Claudia D
10 months ago
Good stuff here!
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